This morning, I have to go do a thing -- "Take the Asthma Challenge," like it was one of those old Reader's Digest quizzes -- and I can't have anything with caffeine in it beforehand. Actually, there's a long list of things I can't have, but most of them are drugs, I only have one or two of them, and they don't do much for me anyway.
The no-caffeine things hurts, though. I have started my mornings with tea or coffee for most of my adult life and I count on it.
At least there was chamomile tea* on the shelf. It's warm and flavorful, even if it does absolutely nothing to help keep my eyes open.
UPDATE: Coffee at last! No idea how I did on the test; my lung capacity is good. But I already knew that. The stuff made me cough several times. Maybe I'm just suffering occasional fit of pique. Or I could even be old and out of shape...? Naaaw!
* Actually, it's a tisane. But you might as well be speaking Ancient Minoan and labeling the box for it in Linear A as call it that, then next they'll want me to take my shirt off and leap over a bull by the horns, and we're not going to be having any of that.
2 months ago
AW come on. No guts no glory
M'dear, I'd learn Minoan to observe those gymnastics. Couldn't do it at my age due to Agent Orange but I do appreciate talent. Meet me outside the labyrinth.
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