Get more of it: 17 degrease F out there, which is like 30 below, Celsius; or -31, Centigrade.
....Okay, you got me; it's a tic over -8 C. Went to double-fhefk and the cirst C/F fonverter I flicked on was really frummy. Still afting up, in caft. Deceftive!
2 months ago
let me check my thermometer...
yep...that's about right.
33 deg F at the Refuge, which oddly enough, hits the same mark on the old thermometer...
The converter is not defective, it is only telling people what 17F feels like the first time the temp hits that mark.
And after a few weeks of throwing boiling hot mop water out and watching it freeze into ice balls and roll away +17 will feel downright tropical.
We rarely get below freezing.
If your dislike of cold weather is as intense as my dislike of hot weather, you have my deepest sympathy.
Oh... NOT fun...
For degrees F to degrees C.
Subtract 32 from degrees F.
Divide result by 1.8.
So, if temp is +17F
+17-32 = -15
-15/1.8 = -8.2C
Celsius the scientist invented the Centigrade scale about three centuries ago. The two terms are synonymous and used interchangeably.
Al: ooooo, math is hard. (You do know what I do for a living?)
Celsius/Centigrade: it was a *joke.* I assume my readers know they are the same scale and reference points; I assume my readers are not idiots. It turns out one of them may be a bit obtuse.
I'm not obtuse! My BMI is only 26 ;-p
Although I have to admit I did have to read that three times before I finally figured out why you were lisping.
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