...On the political Left in United States of America, form whups substance and clouds are castles in the air. Doubt it? Who's in their sights these days? RNC Chairman Micheal Steele, Rs in the House and Senate? --No; just ask Rahm Emmanuel, who has decreed Rush Limbaugh to be the real head of the GOP.
...And just to make it look even more real, other Lefties are keepin' a close eye on that scary Rush-dood, 'cos you know, he does all his eeeevil plotting "hidden" there on the radio, coast-to-coast live and loud, free for the price of tuning in....
Sheesh. Hello? Hellooo? He's an entertainer. It's a radio show.
They're never gonna figure out how the rabbit was in that hat. And they're not fooling anyone but themselves. If you've got the might and weight of the Executive Branch behind you, it's easy and fun to go after a radio host. Takin' on a real party, even one as low in the polls as the Republicans supposedly are, that'd be just dull, boring work -- lotsa steak but no sizzle. Besides, they play for keepsies.
(Edit: since no one else has pointed it out, I'll add that the transitional Right is hardly immune to "form-over-substance-itis, either;" it's just this latest tizzy reminds me of nothing so much as islamonitwits condemning Mickey Mouse as a symbol of Western wickecness. Cartoon character, radio host -- what, do the self-panickers of this world fear being entertained to death?)
2 months ago
Well, Steele has already proven himself to be a joke, so why would they engage him anyway?
Beside, Ol' Rush will beat the sh*t outta them. They spend all their energies on him and overlook the growing resistance in the House 'pubs. (About time, I may add.)
GAH!! Lists of journalist enemies... Shades of Nixon!!!
FWIW in case you want to comment on it some time, social conservatives since the Framers' day have feared exactly "being entertained to death." Locke advised his son not to consort with poets; G.Washington banned all musical entertainments in Philadelphia. And you know, if it killed one mummer...
High-roller Wm. Bennett went on at some length about the car radio, and its concomitant access to Evvis, having been the Beginning of The End for the Western World.
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