I can't keep track but they can. Our dear -- our very good and great friends who own and operate Red China (NASDAQ: PRC?) have decided to get all huffy over a published Pentagon report about their growing military might.
"China has constantly taken the path of peaceful development...," spluttered a Foreign Ministry spokescommie. Y'know, like the way they "peacefully developed" Tibet. Other examples spring to mind.
This is the same country that was only the other day callin' for a new global reserve currency t'replace the dollar. Oh, hells yeah, I trust 'em. Not.
Looky here, if China ever wants to get tough, it'll make the GWOT* look like a hair-pulling spat at Girl Scout cookout. Of course our FedGov keeps an eye on 'em. And bein' the United States, of course they publish some of what they've found out. Don't like it, PRC? Tough. We're watchin'.
* Global War On Terror. Doublethinky name, real IEDs.
2 months ago
GWOT? What's a GWOT?
The way things look to this ol' farmboy, Taiwan is theirs for the taking.
What are we, the US of A, going to do about it?
I am SO glad that we don't have to share a continent with those f***ers. It's bad enough that we have to accomodate people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Feinstein, Shumer, Pelosi, Kerry, etc.
Is this the same China who was just playing chicken with US SigInt ships in international waters? Just curious.
Y'knoooooow, Tam, it kinda is. Peaceniks. Avatars of botherly lovingkindness. Awwwww.
Orange: Global War On Terror. And Roberta, I don't know about you, but Girl Scouts can be pretty nasty ...
You've missed the boat. Just a couple of days ago, Our One did away with the Global War on Terra, and created a new entity to be named Overseas Contingency Operations.
Try to keep up here, please.
"Overseas Contingency Operations"? Please tell me you're not serious. That's the most carefully neutral name I've ever heard. God, we're doomed.
WV: prons. For what they invented the Internets.
But as "The Last Remaining Superpower" we have an obligation to that poor country with its larger army to support and nuclear weapons to maintain and all. Don't get me started on the fact that IF we get back to the moon we will have to go through Chinese customs when we land.
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