Brugge wasn't too crowded; they'd made some concessions to the holiday (green T-shirts on some of the help) but the main drinking-green-beer action was down the street: Belgians treat beer with a little more respect than that!
Clockwise from lower left, The Jack, Fuzzy Curmudgeon, Shomes the Younger, Shomes the Mrs. and Shomes the Shomes, the talented Ms. Joanna and the hat-wearing Tam. Also, Our Host (upper left), who drives a snazzy red and white Willys civilian Jeep in all weather. (Yes, that's right, A] drives kewlest of Jeeps; B] knows what it is for. Man like that, you've got to admire.)
2 months ago
The wild bunch. :)
Looks like a good time was had by all!
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