A note for those of you who chipped in: while it is incredibly difficult for Tam to even think about looking in a mirror with the bandage off her nose at present, I've been doing her dressing changes. I've got to look.
She's healing well. Her surgeon's work strikes me as damned good. It's early days even now; this is a skin graft we're talkin' about and if it was your nose, a square inch or so -- call it around the diameter of a quarter -- would not be small. It'll take time to heal.
But here's the skinny: she still looks like Tam under that bandage. The Doc replaced his divot very neatly indeed.
2 months ago
If she still has the Snark of Tam -- if she's still Tam, that is -- that's pretty important, too. Modern medicine and a positive outlook can do wonders.
Fabulous news!
Glad to hear it!
Tam is Tam, always was, always will be. and that is all that matters to me.
Good deal!
YAY !!!
Yeah, but which part of Tam? :)
If I've followed along correctly, should I ever get the chance to offer her an "air kiss" can I expect a face full of nose in response?
As opposed to a nose full of fist, you understand. :)
I think that we're all very glad to know this. Thank you.
Huzzah! :)
Excellent good news!
Good deal , and Thanks to you for taking care of Tam for all of us who cannot be there .
Good, good.
You are the good roomie.
Well done!
Great to hear!
I'd similar proceedure in the center of my forehead.
Skin 'graft' was 'porcine' (pigskin) - told my Jewish friends I was no longer Kosher...
My real skin grew back underneath.
Can barely tell, now (two years later)
And I'm Kosher, again!
Will Brown knows why many of us are content to worship Tam from afar.
But thanks for the good news SuperRoomie.
Thanks for the update, and for everything!
She is going to look like Tam no matter what, so long as the surgeon didn't go deep enough to find where the snark is made.
But we love to hear good news. Thanks for doing for her what we can't do for her from here, Roberta.
Very good to hear!
And thanks for taking such good care of her.
You're both very special ladies in the blog-o-sphere, and we all care about you.
Thank you Bobbi!
Great news, thanks for the update.
You are a good friend, Roberta.
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