Not all Fudge Stripes are created equal.
If Ghu had intended for us to eat tiny little miniature cookies, he would have made us tiny little miniature people.* "Cookie" indicates a certain size range, generally between "old-style silver dollar" and "dessert plate." Please make a note of it.
* And I do not mean ordinary little people size. Oh, hells no, these mutants were made for some critter about 1.5 Barbies tall. Possibly the sneaky-sized Sasquatches of Saskatchewan, but they aren't h. sap. and can rarely scare up the price of store-bought cookies. Plus, Immigration won't let 'em into the States 'cos they haven't any paperwork.
2 months ago
Lemme guess. The cookies on the left are from a 100 calorie pack?
Those aren't cookies. Those are ice cream topping.
File this under "I can see the wires":
1) wv: TxAudio. Might be a random sequence of letters in some people's language, but not mine.
2) verification number: Not entered, but comment was accepted anyway. I'll bet the numbers are really a secret NSA program to get us to transcribe addresses from surveillance videos.
If you can see this comment, I didn't enter the number again this time.
It's not a secret program,you're reading street addresses for Google Maps. And they could use the help.
Oh, I dunno. If forced, I'd eat the container of mini cookies with as much aplomb as the container of normal-human-sized cookies.
But that's me...say, did someone say COOKIES????
Just posting to test Dave H's claim that you can post while ignoring the spambot filter.
ETA: First attempt with no letter jumble and no number failed. Proceeding to letters but no numbers.
Alphabet soup but no numbers succeeded.
Now attempting numbers with no alphabet soup.
ETA: Numbers only failed. Interesting.
Thank you Roberta for allowing the electrons for this little exploration.
The numbers are optional; you're workin' for the Big G when you enter them.
Question: Would you rather Google Maps got street numbers right, or wrong? Mind you, I don't urge you to any course of action, I'm just curious. (Got one the other day I could not make heads nor tails of. Do they just look for most-popular reading?)
Personally I intend to keep giving them numbers.
My exploration was more a bout of curiosity at something I hadn't pondered before. Kind of like finding a light switch in a closet you hadn't noticed before and flipping it on and off until the neighbor comes over and asks why your attic is sending an SOS.
Wait a second....
One more flip of the switch...
Alphabet soup with WRONG NUMBERS!!!!
WV is ogreepi 9
I will enter ogreepi 8
Just to see....
It would seem Sarah Connor is safe for now.
Roberta: If G Maps is going to have numbers, they need to be right. But I'd be just as happy (maybe a little bit happier) if they didn't include street numbers at all. I'm not pleased with the thought of some pseudo-random stranger looking up my address and seeing my mess of a yard on Street View.
Personally, for crunchy-type cookies, I prefer the bite-sized ones because they don't make even the slightest bit of mess (no crumbs). Just pop'em down the hatch :)
Your cookie preference is duly noted.
I disagree, those without papers are waved through. Those of us who are "papered" are stopped, searched, scanned, delayed, detained, questioned, probed, and hurramphed at. of course your mileage may vary.
Unknkown: Oh, yeah? How many sneaky-sized Saskatchewani Sasquatches have you seen lately around official border crossings?
Anon 11:28: Ah, smallmouthed, aren't'cha? ;)
Meh, the bite-sized ones do have their place. Somewhere.
Also, I suspect they're really made for the Nac Mac Feegle. Feegles don't need the money to buy them, because they just steal them. And if they didn't make Feegle-sized cookies, they'd just steal the real ones, and then where would we be?
Half-way to Ruination an' without a tun of ale?
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