...And yet it's somehow not naughty to go zooming around in a remotely-operated model helicopter, snooping on people and blowin' 'em up if the .gov suspects them of Badness?
Hey, if you want your gummint to be respected, start acting respectable. Geesh, they used to at least care enough to fake it.
And you, over there with the double rifle? You better remember that what goes up eventually comes down. Mind where you engage that insect, please!
Me, I wanna invent the sticky-net parachute shotgun shell. It's a kinder, gentler shocking awe.
2 months ago
I'm with you on the sticky net launcher. I also claim salvage rights on anything I bring down. If nothing else, government gear ought to have good batteries.
Actually I'm thinking a hunter drone that will engage another drone and web it with Silly String until it lands might be the best solution.
But I already bought my drone hunting permit...Thought it would look good mounted on the garage wall. I kinda like the hunter drone idea better though.
Silly String -- ah, the punishment that fits the crime!
Actually I prefer the non-lethal ammo for drones... :-)
The proposed measure specifies using a shotgun of 12GA maximum. I think this is a job for strung buckshot, but I don't think anyone sells it. And really, metro Deer Trail provides a minimal target as a random fall zone.
Hmmm. A shot shell loaded with a coil of thin cable, with weights on either end. Small arms chain shot....
It's only dangerous if you miss. So don't miss.
Two words: Proximity Fuze
I dunno if the net even needs to be sticky.
I'm thinking, take a shotgun slug, slice it in half the shot way, then slice the halves like a piece of eight. Attach the pieces to the corners of an eight-way symmetrical spider-web / snowflake looking thing made up of... something. I dunno if fishing line would be adequate or if you'd need thin steel cable. Then figure out how to pack it such that it will open, much like a parachute needs to be carefully packed, and depending on how much space and weight the net constitutes, stuff either one or two of them in the hull. Then fire the darn thing out of a rifled shotgun barrel (finally, they're good for something!) so centrifugal motion causes the eighths to fly apart as the whole object rotates. I have no idea what the ballistics would be like.
And I like the small-arms chain-shot idea.
But the high tension silly-string equipped hunter drone idea appeals to me, too. :D
Bloody hell. That first line of the second paragraph should read "slice it in half the short way".
JohninMd.(too late?!??) said...
Hmmm. A shot shell loaded with a coil of thin cable, with weights on either end. Small arms chain shot....
I think I know what to do with the hundreds of empty shot shells I have.
Get'cher permits RIGHT HERE!
Under the proposed ordinance, applicants who are over 21 and can speak English will be able to buy a one-year drone hunting permit for $25 – and these can be purchased anonymously so the government won't know who's doing the hunting. Down an unmanned drone and the town will pay you $100, or less depending on how much wreckage hunters recover.
Hmmm... hunter drone plus Silly String is an interesting concept.
I was looking at EDF model jets yesterday, and some of those (not horribly expensive ones) can go right fast, especially if retrofitted with extra-powerful motor/fan systems. Could easily carry a can of Silly String, or some sort of low-recoil web launcher.
Doesn't fit the specific requirements for Deer Trail, of course, but it might be popular with the rural, privacy-loving crowd.
Anyone considered a bow fishing rig. Don't have to hit the drone. Just shoot over it.
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