I'd like to wake up and listen to the news without hearing, "...Anthony Weiner..." and yet another tale of shennagans more suited to a sex-obsessed teenager and not a very clever one at that.
At this point, I suspect his real kink is getting caught out and having to grovel.
It's not just him, he's merely one of the most flagrant. When this is the caliber of man the political system attracts, you've got to start wondering if there's something rotten about it as well as them.
2 months ago
I'd like to wake up and listen to the news (?) without thinking "What have they done now?"
Weiner is just one of the lastest and more conspicuous pieces of evidence that politicians in general are neither the best nor the brightest. I'm sure entire books could be written on why that's the case, but someone with a higher disgust threshold than mine will have to write them.
When this is the caliber of man the political system attracts, you've got to start wondering if there's something rotten about it as well as them.
That is awesome and profound, and I wonder why I've never heard it before.
I will say something good about "national news" for once. In 1940 not one American in 1000 had a clue that FDR was wheelchair bound, who Missy LeHand was, or that the die that led us into the Second World War had been cast.
While the media still does a wonderful job of covering for a favored pol, as witness the current jobs report and the lie that economic recovery is at hand, at least some glimpses past the Wizards Curtain sometimes occur.
There is always a twist to getting a good Government. Benevolent Dictatorships require selfless use of power for the greater good. Theocracies require similar restraint. The Founding Fathers understood that a Representative Republic requires an educated electorate, and expected restrictions that would guaranty that requirement of an honest government.
I'm quite sure that our present education system does not deliver what they expected of an educated electorate.
"What a Difference a Day makes!" Just think about it. Less than 20 years ago, the Democratic Party was twisting themselves in knots trying to keep Clinton in Office, and he was DENYING that he was a Perv, in spite of the Evidence.
Nowadays, between "Carlos Danger," Spitzer and that Idiot Mayor in San Diego, the Democratic Party has ZERO Problems with Self-Confessed Pervs running for Office AFTER being caught!
Yet the Dems claim that REPUBLICANS are the ones who Hate Women and just want them to go back into the Kitchen, Barefoot and Pregnant.
Liberals are equal opportunity Haters - their self obsession simply means they hate themselves a bit more than they hate everyone else.
I do think you nailed his Kink right on the money. What worries me, is not so much the caliber of people running for office as the caliber of people voting for them.
I still think every ballot needs an option of "No One". It would be interesting to see how many public offices we could eliminate by simply voting in No One.
Bubblehead Les,
That is true, but getting the electorate to come to that realization and the realization that it isn't good for them to be the cheering section for the Jerry Springer Elected Officials Show is the realliy hard part.
Or [emplaces double-ply tin-foil hat firmly on skull], Huma's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood cause him enough alarm that he's desperately trying to self-destruct in order to take her down with him.
About the only thing that could make this more tedious was if the media found a way to work Martin and Zimmerman into a tryst with Tony.
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