...As Tamara realizes the ADHD media have been totally distracted by the Royal Baby. "Trayvon who?" (If they thought it would get you to watch, TV pundits would gin up anguish over a potato. How come they never get called on it by the people they exploit?)
I remember when they covered news. Is a new addition to the House of Windsor anything more than a minor human-interest story here in the States, or are they still hopin' we'll join the Commonwealth? (I thought we ran them all off to Canada?)
2 months ago
Anything to keep the 'real' issues off the air... sigh
Maybe it's because we in America no longer have a Politically Correct Dynasty that the MSM can swoon over?
Which might explain why the Obama's keep heading to Martha's Vineyard for their Summer Vacation, instead of South-Side Chicago or Compton.
After all, Michelle IS the New Jackie O! Just ask her.
Bubblehead Les. said...
After all, Michelle IS the New Jackie O! Just ask her.
If you will excuse me, I now have to go puke. Thank you very much.
As I oft respond to earthy posts by Rev. Paul -
Personally, the only excitement I could get worked up for vis-a-vis the Windsors would be if Liz finally decided she'd had enough, prorogued Parliament, rolled up her sleeves, and called for the headsman.
The first head to be separated from its neck ought to be that of her oldest son, the apostate. And she could work her way down from there. I'd really get a kick out of it if history would remember her as "Bloody Liz" rather than that nice old lady with the Corgis.
I read somewhere over the weekend that George Zimmerman has decided to change his name to Ben Ghazi so that Obama and the main stream media will never again utter his name. It must have worked.
I think the press is holding on to hope that Obama will get the throne and Michelle will be queen.
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