(Found here.) Hoosier-born radio commentator Elmer Davis, in 1924: "The only visible difference of any sort is that the Republican party seems to contain a slightly higher percentage of crooks, and the Democratic party of fools."
The fool/crook balance tips this way and that but the upshot remains the same: we're governed by the evil and the stupid. And if we don't like 'em, we can replace them with the stupid and the evil!
2 months ago
Thats why we need someone like Dr Carson. A non political,intelligent,common sense President would be a breath of fresh air to this stagnate Republic
Isn't THAT the damn truth... sigh
A "non political, intelligent, common sense President"? There's no way he'd ever get elected. The road to the White House is jealously guarded by people with a huge interest in maintaining the status quo.
Hand that man a cigar!
Eh, I dunno. My take is more like RAH's:
“Reform politicians not only tend to be dishonest but stupidly dishonest—whereas the business politician is honest.”
“I don’t see that Lazarus. History seems to show—”
“Use your head, Ira. I don’t mean that a business politician won’t steal; stealing is his business. But all politicians are nonproductive. The only commodity any politician has to offer is jawbone.”
Some things are eternal.....
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