Da-yum. Is "Party City" running TV ads featuring a Stars & Stripes Gimp Suit on the TV (in front of children and everything) in your town, too, or is Indianapolis just uniquely weird?
I mean, really -- I live in Broad Ripple. I see more odd individuals and things before lunch than most people see all week and I'm still telling you, that's freaky.
Possibly appropriate for our times, but still, it ain't right.
2 months ago
At UCF football games, after a touchdown is scored, there are 4 guys who run a lap around the stands. 3 are wearing gimp suits (1 red, white and blue) while the fourth is wearing a gorilla suit.
Ah, college...
Huh? What? Why?
The wonderful world of Lycra... unfortunately, those buying and wearing these things are not guaranteed to be of the body types best suited to such display. (And I say that as a prime example - besides, I don't think they make 'em in "one size fits oil drum".
Those things have been popping up in various "holiday styles" since at least the middle of March, in the commercials - not sure if I just missed any V-Day ones in February, or my unconcious is shielding my psyche from the memories. (Spokane WA broadcast area)
(Captcha: 9131 eediuum - The Neighbor Of The Mosin)
You gotta have "the body" for all that spandex - but weirdness comes in various flavors and here we call it Multiculturalism - but the multi-cultis wouldn't wear that, somebody might get beheaded.
Wow. Just wow.
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