Some local black pastors are seeing this as a teachable moment, an opportunity to address anybody-on-black violence, pointing out that picking just one high-profile case far away to get worked up over is overlooking the broader problem as well as the problems in one's own neighborhood.
Yeah, a lot of the people quoted in the linked article aren't pleased with the verdict. Unlike the empty-yet-talking heads on most of The Toob, they know it's not the end of the world -- and that there are problems far more pressing, right here in town.
Maybe it's not as easy to look right down the block but it's likely to make more of a difference in the long term.
2 months ago
Well, that's better than the idiocy spouted by our precious president, I suppose.
Yeah, isn't it nice to know that the so-called Black Leadership on the National Level; i.e. Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, the NAACP HQ have been revealed to have almost ZERO Influence?
Because if they did, then most of the Major Cities in the U.S. would be in Flames. But they're not.
So it looks like this 18 month Witch Hunt against Zimmerman has blown up in their Faces.
UNLESS the Obama Regime decides that the "Stand Your Ground Laws" are RACIST and anyone who uses them in the Future can be charged with a Federal Hate Crime.
We shall see.
I've said somewhere else that I suspect what this really means is that the average African-American is finally figuring out that the national race-baiters don't speak for them.
About time.
I just got home from coffee with several sixty-somethings who have consumed the Liberal Kool-Aid (but not, unfortunately, grape-flavored Flavor Aid). Their consensus was that he should have been convicted of "something", and that it's good that the "Justice" Department is planning on going after him.
Then they opined that Hillary would run in 2016. One said he'd support her, and another said she'd work for the campaign. My skin is still crawling.
Les, Zimmerman did not invoke FL stand your ground law in his defense.
The media's sure been invoking them in their offense. ;)
That's great, but I can't help but wonder how many will listen...
That's great, but I can't help but wonder how many will listen...
it's swell that they're calling for African Americans to get their collective socio-cultural act together, but I'd be more impressed if they told their flocks to get their collective heads out of their collective fourth points of contact, because Zimmerman was, in fact, justified in using deadly force to defend himself.
Yeah, sure, let's ask 'em to do a 180 in their perception of the situation after months of blood-dancing by the media's convenient for us?
Me, I'm happy to see a wider recognition that there are problems other than "The Man is keeping us down." YMMV.
My frothing-mouthed, Nitro-tempered leftist sister in law thinks this was about a skittles buying teen coming home from the 7 eleven and meeting a racist white who wanted to shoot him one that night.
She never lets the facts get in the way of a good rant.
I'm happy to see a wider recognition that there are problems other than "The Man is keeping us down."
I think this is exactly right. While epiphany would be nice, small steps work, too.
"My frothing-mouthed, Nitro-tempered leftist sister in law thinks this was about a skittles buying teen coming home from the 7 eleven and meeting a racist white who wanted to shoot him one that night."
Wow, Windy. We have the same sister -in-law!
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