The Box Of Mystery!
I have no idea why. There's nothing inside but some clockwork-patterned paper lining the bottom. With a bit of work, it should make a nice place to keep my ElectroVoice V-1 ribbon microphone, recently repaired. But that's for a different blog.
2 months ago
There is just enough room above that question mark for a brass nameplate: Property Of E. Nigma.
Bob just beat my proposed comment about Dr. Who's toolbox being missing from the Tardis.
It's definitely got character. Are you going re-cover it, or leave it with the scuffs and scrapes?
Also, can we look forward to hearing about your microphone? Enquiring minds, etc.
I'd've ended the intro as "...Crowned Heads of Europe, Scandinavia and the Sub-Continent."
Which of course leads to buying the black suit, skinny tie hat and shades, and then carrying said case around handcuffed to the wrist. (Although I rather doubt your traded a Cadillac for the microphone in question...)
There's quite a story about that mic.
It looks like my first grip. I worked on the railroad for 41 years. We were required to have our rule books available at all times. That plus a change of clothes, and a lunch, it was full.
It looks like it might have been a prop on a "Doctor Who" episode...
I think Cliff probably has the right idea.
That is a beautiful old piece!
*laughs* One time when my mother was arguing with her father, who was living with us at the time, she yelled, "And if you don't like it, you can just pack up your horse valise and go!"
Horse. Valise. I laughed myself sick.
That would be the perfect prop for my plan to walk into the coffeehouse, pull out my Smith-Corona "Silent" portable and a rotary-dial telephone, place them both on the table, and get to work.
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