The most-visible (ahem) candidate for NYC Mayor: "More Weiner, more of the time!" Or "Taking more off, 'cos I'm a moron." (An TV pundit just now claimed "'s about competence. He was more equipped to be Congressman..." OMG.)
Y'know, I expect pols to be arrogant, vain, obsessive -- and discreet. Wibur Mills proved the last expectation on my list was wrong. The Anthony Weiners and Eliot Spitzers of this world are just maintining the repugnant tradition.
In other news, do you realize that if the Royal Baby had seen its shadow, the British Monarchy would have been over in six months? True fact! Um, truth-ish.
2 months ago
Weiner-Holder 2016!
I had not thought of Wilbur Mills for many years. By all the reports from around Millers Garage in Kensett, a pretty good Joe, until he went to Yaptown on the Potomac and caught the alky habit. Which has baked many a man's head and turned his liver into alligator bait.
Strong drink in excess will even make you shoot at tax collectors and miss. Or vote with your Party when you know it is wrong, and then drown your remorse in shellac thinner later.
I spent way too much time yesterday looking for evidence in Weiner's Congressional record that would lead him to believe he's so uniquely... essential.
Nothing. So why does he stay around and put up with all this humiliation. Why do the Dems let him stay around?
Two things: 1. Dude is CRAZY
2. He's holding some really incriminating material over over Chuck Schuemer and/or Hillary's head.
But by continuing his "hobby" and getting caught again, he's proven he's too stupid to be the Mayor.
And I notice Huma isn't standing as close to him this time.
Royal Baby?
What's this World coming to...
I think that's what we call "irony".
sepulvedasrevenge said...
2. He's holding some really incriminating material over over Chuck Schuemer and/or Hillary's head.
Pictures of then together?????
Robert, ew.
Fuzzy and gfa: no, it's "Irony," not "irony." Also, I am a huge fan of Gratuitous Capitalization.
Ah damn, I can't do better than TJ... LOL
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