Tam: "I used to like your blog. It's turning into a one-note show."
She's right and it's time I put a stop to the topic. Turns out there are some irreconcilable differences amongst us. Look, if you're arguing against the Bill of Rights, you cannot change my mind. You annoy me and you are not welcome here.
1 month ago
Cool! More Rx range reports and Ham reports and old tools reports and such-what!
Please just continue to be yourself. Remember, every great rock concert has a fantastic guitar solo, but the concert gets even better as the other band members join in at the end of the solo. Thanks for all of your posts.
'Tis your weblog, and as such, you are more than welcome to write about whatever you so desire.
That said, I am fairly certain you have reached an impasse with what I believe to be your target audience with these posts - you both have thoroughly explained and reached the point from which you will not move, and neither of those points are anywhere near the other. I am certainly not one to tell other people what to do, but agreeing to disagree (or something similar) might be at least repetitive, or at least more-successful - on issues such as these, hearts and minds are not going to be changed, I fear.
But I have been known to be wrong in the past :).
It's your blog! Do as you wish! Some folks just don't get The Bill of Rights as individuals protection from the government.
You and your roomie always provide fun, and thought fodder. Thank you.
I like cheese.
Huh? I'm sorry I missed a whole lot. Ah-ok, there it is - huh.
It's your house - you make the rules. At any rate, thanks for inviting us in for the free ice cream. You make me think. I like that. Please continue that voodoo that yoodoo so well (to paraphrase Hedley Lamarr).
Ditto what Linoge said.
And bgeek makes a good point, also.
It's your place, beautiful. Do what makes you happy.
When you post, it makes me happy. When the two coincide, everyone wins!
So, can we expect free ice cream, again?
Hey! Free ice cream! Things are definitely looking up!
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