Yes, you read it properly. Go. Watch. Enjoy. My confidence in our Fed'ral masters has never been...higher.
Update: And then Neo-NeoCon takes it, in a very real way, to the next level!
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
At about 1:45 the Admiral appears to be wiping a tear from his eye. I think this Congressman has been out drinking with Max Baucus.
I would fret more that the 'critter seems to be unstable.
Folks like that really shouldn't be in gummint.
Unbelievable! And he was actually elected to office!!!
Get me some of what he's been taking.
Reminds me of some idiot a few weeks ago who blamed the Haiti earthquake on global warming.
I heard shortly after my first viewing of that fool that he was the replacement for Cynthia McKinney. I'm not sure whether that worked out for better or worse.
It's idjits like him that give the Deep South a bad name among snobby elitist northleastern libtards--or would, if he weren't a minority member, thus rendering him safe from scorn under Political Correctitude.
WV: warapp. Used for cyberwar, I presume...
Neo-neocon has a well-informed and quite surprising take on this thing ( ), which puts it in quite a different light.
If you read down into the comments, you'll find her post is an April fools joke.
Thanks for the Robertalaunch!
Further reading on this--I think I'm about the only one who didn't blog about it--reveals that Congressman Johnson has Hepatitis C, which can cause "confusion". In which case, why hasn't he been medically retired?
The post at Neo-Neocon is excellent. I didn't know that the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales meet at -40 degrees, so I learned something.
"The Ringworld is unstable!"
Turk: 40 below is 40 below!
Just think what his constituents must be like! Unfortunately, we have dim bulbs like this voting on critical matters that affect all of our lives. That is a crime. They really should reinstate literacy requirements for voting; that would have kept this fellow out completely.
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