I usually like Springtime but this one augered in early. I'm goin' broke, there is much to do and neither time nor money to do it and the clock keeps ticking. The mirror has become my enemy and I can't seem to lose weight. I don't wanna cooperate with the census (I'd dodged every one, out with the junk mail, 'til Ex-Spouse roped me in on the last one) and my taxes are still due. Naturally, I can't find some of the paperwork.
[(weak) humor] But hey, the new phone books are already out! The harmless, perfectly safe telephone book, innocent as a bunny. Gah! Hateful things! Jeez, I hope they remembered to leave me unlisted/non-published.[/(weak) humor]
3 months ago
I think being broke is a perpetual situation sometimes! :(
Hang in there.
But all us posters here loves ya Roberta; doesn't that count for something??
Hey, I saw the photo of you on the bike.
Cute butt.
Don't avoid enumeration. It is used to determine representation in congress. It is not always the case, but it is often true that like minded folks live in areas; if all those fall off the radar for representation: not a good thing. It is part of how your voice can be heard. I didn't answer all of the questions, but the number of people living here is a constitutional question.
The problem is, Phil, if you answer even one question, thy will hunt you down and hound you 'til you have answered all the rest.
See, this is where I come in to help. I call it Housercise.
You come up and work on my house day and night.
You become more fit, feel more productive, and gain self-esteem from all the lawn care, cleaning, painting and sorting that you will do.
Shootin' Buddy
If you can figure roughly what you owe, you can send in the check and a form to delay actually filing taxes til October. Of course, doing the work to figure if you need to send in a check or not may negate the point of putting off doing your taxes...
Shootin' Buddy: In my copious free time?
Roberta, That happened to me at the last two census - I enumerated and sent it back and then they sent someone to get the rest of the answers. They were pretty boring meetings though, since I responded to each of their questions with the same answer: the number of people living in the house. They finally went away.
You are quite correct that this in an annoying process, but on the other hand, if it is true that like minded people tend to live near one another, then any group of like minded people that fail to "enumerate" will also fail to receive the correct level of representation (such as it is) in congress. That has been my approach and it seems worth it to me to endure the crap that comes later to at least get my numbers counted.
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