Mike Flynn quotes from a posting on GreenPeace's blog. Inflammatory stuff, "We be many; you be few [sic]...We know where you [anthropogenic global warming skeptics and deniers] live..." etc. Follow links to the original and -- having already issued the call to arms -- they're backpedaling like mad.
Not just dangerously crazy: gutless crazy when push approaches shove. I'm not sure what's worse, fanatics waging climate war or spinelessness; but at least cowardice is quieter. Now if the warmista's'd get their blame thumb off the scales when measuring and evaluating, we might get somewhere. I don't think huntin' down either side where they live would be, you know, scientific.
2 months ago
When's he gonna realize that we're the ones with guns? I'm just sayin' ...
WV: bollses. What he has more of than brains.
Ahhh, the rationality of science! Oops, I mean $cience.
Shootin' Buddy
GreenPeace is neither "green" nor scientific. And aside from those who drop money in their beggars bowl to make themselves feel superior to everyone else, their true support is less than 2,000 individuals world wide.
Some of whom are quite capable of violence. If they were as smart as they think they are, they would be as dangerous as the "Huttarees."
Wow, thanks! I didn't know he had a blog. Mariesa Van Huyten is one of my favorite weird people (in fiction). All that, and cliology too. It is a scandal that the guy was only nominated for, but does not possess, 3 or 4 Hugos.
I remember the action the French took a few decades ago when Greenpeace and the Sierra Club was protesting the French nuclear tests in the southwest Pacific.
The French sank their boat at pier's edge. IIRC, at least one GP'er went down with his boat.
Greenpeace howled but they didn't sale into the test area again.
I'm not sure they're capable of direct violence to persons. Their history has been one of destruction to property- radio towers, spiking trees in front of logging ops, torching condos, commercial property, homes under construction and SUVs. I wouldn't consider throwing stink bombs at whalers exactly 'violent', just stooopid, considering whalers can answer the "what caliber harpoon for Greenie?" question.
Spiking trees IS violence against persons. It's just murder without guts. I'm from Montana, where there is still a lot of logging going on, and actually know of people who have been seriously injured and/or killed. Its not just loggers that these guys get, spiked trees can cause debris injuries at mills, in the field, to firefighters, etc. etc. Don't write these guys off as harmless, because they are anything but. All this talk about 'we have the guns, et al' is great, but keep a weather eye on them. I'd rather not have to use my gun when I get jumped by militant GPers while hiking.
I like that they know where I live, but they don't know how much ammo I have. ;-)
Yup, Wolfman, and I betcha they use things made from wood, as do all of us.
I like trees. I like them when they're growing, and providing wildlife habitat, and pleasant places to go for a walk, and shade, and delaying runoff in watersheds, etc.
I also like them after we've killed them and turned them into commercial lumber, which we use to make useful things out of, like the chair on which my ass rests at this very moment.
'Armageddon' may have been a stupid f-cking movie, but the scene at the beginning where Bruce Willis is driving golf balls off the oil rig and hitting the GreenPeace ship is absolutely priceless :-D
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