Tune-up: That's when the mechanic sets your engine to rights with two sharp whacks from a small non-marring hammer: Nup! Nup! Two nup. Simple!
Update: Tam points out that prior to a two-nup (or a three-nup, for more severe cases), it's probably wise to sign a pre-nup agreement.
2 months ago
See how my monitor escapes a drippy coffee-coloured fate, again.
Not for nothng is the best dead blow hammer on earth made by NUPaflex
Percussive maintenance at its finest.
Technical Taps.
WV: flavoil. I like sesame, myself, but Mrs. Drang favors hazelnut.
Tam points out that prior to a two-nup (or a three-nup, for more severe cases), it's probably wise to sign a pre-nup agreement.
Good thing Tam got to it first, it'd be a shame if I had to one-up such a person as she.
PS - you knew it was coming.
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