Indy Meetupdate, 23:44:00 later, anyway:
We're doing two. One small gathering this weekend, Sunday afternoon, 3:00 pm, Broadripple Brewpub. All bloggers and blogreaders invited!
The other one will be in June on a date and time TBD.
2 months ago
Are you afraid this will be a flash mob?
Should I? Either "an armed society is a polite society," or I nip out a side door and play dumb. :)
I can't make it on May 4th (there's an Erich von Stroheim festival at AFI) but will eagerly await the June announcement.
In like whoa.
I will be the wee little yuppie looking very out of place in Broad Ripple.
Sunday is out for us, we're doing a family gig at our house. What about a secondary Indy meet up next weekend?
I have to ask - what're the IN laws regarding firearms? I know that OH CCW is honored in IN - but what are the rules regarding bars?
Can't make it this weekend...
See ya'll in June!
Indy laws are great - guns in bars are ok.
Indiana laws wiki
I'll be the big ugly bastard in black. Feo, fuerte y formal.
Breda, what Less said: your [insert name of State here] carry permit allows you to carry a handgun in Indiana in bars -- and pretty much anywhere else there's not a metal detector. Concealed carry is preferred. Open carry is very rare here.
Ahab, Og, we'll be lookin' for you! Red, next weekend is a definite possibility -- I do have Mom's Day activities but something can be worked out.
Refering to flash mob.
I have always found the "gun crowd" to be the most polite people in general. I believe I shall try to make the scene. To see and be seen.
Looks like I can make it. Will you let me in if I *don't* bring a gun? ;o)
The carriage of firearms is not required; it's a personal thing, like wearing socks. :)
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