Stumbled across a supporter of the Hope and Change Senator from Illinois the other day, offering fulsome praise of his hero -- and spelling the gentleman's name "O'Bama" every time. Faith an' begorrah!
On a related topic, it was hardly fifteen minutes after I decrode* twisting candidate's names into more-or-less funny shapes that I came up with my first such. It has been itching at me ever since but didn't become irresistible until I realized they all could work the same way. Now that I can paint 'em all with the same neologistical brush:
It's some choice the major parties offer us for President; add each of their candidate's names to the nation and you've got your pick of "abomination," "raw damnation," or "machination!"
Y'know, some day I'm gonna get hit by a streetcar, tryin' to grab a weak pun somebody's dropped on the tracks....
*Past perfect of "decry," what? No? Drat!
2 months ago
You should really find a hobby. If you have THIS much time on your hands just think what you could do!
Cute though ;<)
Word Verification: ireswsg
Irish Wig???
Cleaning up the screen now. Will send bill.
izailinq (Is A Link?)
Y'know, some day I'm gonna get hit by a streetcar, tryin' to grab a weak pun somebody's dropped on the tracks....
Your sacrifice will not have been made in vain.
Clever girl.
I really like them!!! They'll float around in my head for awhile.
I'm sure you've heard of the "Black Irish"?
Verification: ohtua- O'bama relative?
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