Sunday, March 09, 2014

Saved By Daylight?

     Saved from daylight?  By means of...?  Whatever the saving is, we did it.

     I went to bed way early, in part to dodge the worst aspect of this shifting of time, which is the theft -- outright government robbery-by-fiat -- of an entire hour's sleep.  It didn't help; I woke at the usual time, which wasn't really, sat up, and got whacked by the semi-usual vertigo.

     Laid back and then went about this sitting-up business carefully enough that the walls stayed more-or-less where they ought, fed the cats and went back to bed, whereupon I encountered even worse vertigo, the worst so far until I sat up again, at which point a new record was set.

     Stumbling with eyes dancing or walls and floor shimmying, depending whether you were me or an onlooker, I made it to the kitchen in heavy seas, lashed myself to the rail and fumbled around until I had found and taken anti-vert.  Staggering back to my bedroom, I laid down and held onto my mattress, hoping the storm would pass.

     Some hours later -- only a few minutes ago -- I woke again, this time in bright sunlight, the room rocking to a light swell.  Made coffee, came in here and blogged, still bobbing about on the gentle waves.

     Just gimme some wide bellbottoms and a middy blouse and I'll be fine.  Fiiiine.  Maybe I can holystone the decks later, or splice the main brace or sump'in.  ...Might as well have stuck a knife in the mainmast.





Roberta X said...

Yup. ;)

Phil R. said...

"[T]his shifting of time [...] is the theft -- outright government robbery-by-fiat -- of an entire hour's sleep"

Now, now! Al Gore would have you know he has that hour safely in a lockbox, and he'll let you have it back in the fall, when it's safe for you to use it.

He's from the government, and he's here to help.

BGMiller said...

Sounds like E&PP has been being lazy again.


jed said...

I'm picturing you in a Dixie Cup. Fetching!

I'm having a bit more trouble with the Jewish Navy visiting Guyana.

All my clocks change themselves. Except the one in the bedroom, and that's the one that matters most for keeping me on schedule in the morning.

My experience with meclizine is odd. If I keep active, I don't get drowsy from it at all. But it will take a good hold if I sit for too long. The keeping active part is possible only if it actually calms the deck though. :-(

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Several years ago I had similar problems, but now they are only occasional & fairly mild. Walking downstairs still sucks, but if I hold onto the handrail I'll be OK.


Windy Wilson said...

Back in my drinking days it was common knowledge amongst my buds that when one was lying on a bed and the room was spinning, put one foot on the floor to make it stop.
I can say that it helped me keep my stomach right side out. Dunno if it will help you.

Jim R said...

Rx, you have probably heard/read/tried this already, but some vertigo can be cured by manipulation. My father suffered with vertigo probably 20 years ago, and the doctor he was seeing for it wasn't making any progress with medicine. Dad mentioned the vertigo in passing to another doc who, as I recall, had him lay down, and then turned his head as he sat up. He said his eyes swirled around in their sockets for a few seconds and then the vertigo was gone. It might be worth a little research to see if it makes sense to you. Hope this helps.

Jim R

wv: adTDoc was

Roberta X said...

There are indeed a couple of different sets of motions one can try and I've tried 'em. They work three times in four for me.

Roberta X said...

There are indeed a couple of different sets of motions one can try and I've tried 'em. They work three times in four for me.

danontherock said...

I have a an idea of what you are going through. I had severe labyrinthitis in December. The spinning has stopped but I was left with what is probably permanent hearing loss. I can live with the hearing but the vertigo was something else again. You will get through it

danontherock said...

I have a an idea of what you are going through. I had severe labyrinthitis in December. The spinning has stopped but I was left with what is probably permanent hearing loss. I can live with the hearing but the vertigo was something else again. You will get through it