It's Talk Like a Pirate Day and I failed to point it out until it was nearly over.
To make it up, what's a pirate's favorite letter?
Sure, sure, I knows what yer thinkin', young Jim,* it it ain't "R." No, a pirate's favorite letter would be...the "C." (Highlight to reveal the answer.)
* What? Yer not Jim Hawkins? Well, then, look it up.
2 months ago
I read this in an RSS reader and the joke was ruined. THANKS A LOT.
:) See what comes of RSS? Plus, now you can tell it to others (I stole it from a co-worker's college-age daughter, an Engineering major, of course).
Arrrghhhh, what be sayin' "Pieces of seven! Awwk! Pieces of seven!"
(answer to follow)
A parroty error! Arghhhh!
Pirates travel at the speed of light?
Space pirates do. Thems that dies'll be the lucky ones...Arrrr
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