The patient is resting comfortably, indulging in her various hobbies, and seems in fair spirits.
(I should add that her silence has lent an unexpected increase of visits to my blog. You're welcome, but like you, I'd a lot rather have her blogging. I'll go back to my 350 to 400 per day if it'd get her back blogging.)
2 months ago
Good for her.
I think she needed a break, and locking down the blog for a while will be good.
Please tell her that she has lots and lots of friends out here who want nothing but the best for her.
We will support her whatever she does.
Tom McCord
Here's hoping the break helps her reset and recharge.
GOP could use a presidential candidate... Just sayin'
Tam and Dennis over at paw paws house were my two first reads 7+ years ago. I seldom comment, but always enjoy reading. Best of luck with everything and if she unlocks or resumes blogging that's awesome but if not thank you so much for the years of entertainment.
I will greatly miss her gratis writing and well considered perspective.
Now Roberta ... I always tried to split my attention between you two fairly ;-)
the rabid froth of the wackjob cyberspace minions who are foolish enough to make and imply meatspace threats based on naught but the intentional mis- and mal-feasance of their brilliant and talented but pathetically insecure and ethically challenged goddess. If you could disseminate it a bit it genuinely might spare bloodshed by and/or of said wackjob minions.
First there's the issue of those threats. Since I don't f-book, I was unaware that Tamara has been for months fomenting a dangerous instinct among her worker-bees to protect their queen by using misleading, edited, out-of-context quotes of innocent comments made by me but invisible to others on her blog in response to her posts, and some incredibly vain and outright laughable imaginings as to my meaning and intent. I'll explain that last part in a minute, but let me say this first...
I have spent nearly forty years in relatively high-risk businesses as owner/operator of gun stores, pawn shops, and coin/jewelry dealer. Mostly by virtue of firm but gentle and respectful interactions with others, and driven by a fanatical belief in situational awareness and conflict avoidance, I have never had to use or actively threaten anyone with the tools of deadly defense that are at my disposal. But make no mistake, I was and am always prepared...that is a fact and a warning to anyone foolish enough to force me into a last-ditch response by a physical threat to me or mine. And for the rest of the wannabe commandos dense enough to make threatening comments on the internet, your words have been and will be recorded and reported...I may dislike lawyers but I have two on business retainer that get paid whether I use them or not, so I will certainly put them to work if needed.
Now this; as Tam glibly put it in one of those f-book threads, "there's a history". There is, and this is it: When I semi-retired in '06 with (finally) some time on my hands at our new summer cabin in the Georgia mountains, I discovered blogs by searching for pawnshop articles and found Xavier's pawn circuit posts. Through him I went to Tam's about the time she wrote a brilliant ghost post channeling Twain, and soon after penned a memorable one-line report of the Zumbo suicide. And I was hooked. Absolutely and unquestionably one of the most talented writers I've seen, with a depth and breadth of interests so varied as to give one whiplash. Hers became one of only a handful of blog sites that I read on a regular basis, my comments there were welcomed due to some shared experiences and interests and I soon started a little blog of my own where I reminisced a bit and got some things said that I needed to say...Tam was my very first commenter there. Later I needed to help my son with a business startup back in FLA, so I moved back fulltime and quit spending time writing blog posts. But I did continue with comments, mostly at VFTP, and that, in retrospect, was a mistake
I said Tam is flawed and certainly so am I. I do enjoy writing, do it fairly well, and tend to be a bit wordy as you can see. But I also tend towards tangential and often contrary commentary, and was not as shy about confrontations with Tam as most are. I rather enjoy a heated debate and so did Tam to a degree, but eventually and usually rather unexpectedly, she can devolve into profanity-laced and often alcohol-fueled tirades and meltdowns. Anyone who has read her or "known" her for any period has seen these episodes, and most had the good sense to STFU and let it resolve of its own accord. But not me. I have to say that I am intrigued by the phenomenon wherein some of the best and brightest among us are subject to spectacular breakdowns of control and comportment...and I'm afraid I goaded her. Stupid and wrong of me, but I found it irresistible to not respond calmly and in-kind to what I felt was unjustified anger and rage. To assuage the ill feelings, I would switch to a different username, and much of the former pleasantry would return, to the point that in one goofy thread on clown rodeo "AT"'s darkly comic comment was called "poetry" and likened to Hemingway by Miss Tam; I love me some Ernie, and I took that as high praise considering her literary chops. Inevitably though these noms de plume, being me, would incur the wrath for some contrarianism or criticism, and the lady does not brook dissent gladly. So eventually, the final public exchange between us involved her deleting my comments and editing my words with schoolyard vulgarities rather than engaging in adult debate; hilarious yes, but pathetic at the same time. Some other commenters experienced these exchanges in real time, with everyone but the two of us going quiet. And that right there boys and girls, is why VFTP comments went to moderation a year or so ago. Several years worth of these exchanges still exist -or did- in VFTP archives, but it is doubtful they will see the light of day again, as they do paint Tamara in a negative light, and I'm not too proud of them myself. So yeah. History.
That brings us to the current bizarre maelstrom. I did and do still appreciate the style and wit and talent and fount of information that is Tam, and still read her semi-regularly in that year. Occasionally and intermittently -maybe 50 or so times all told- I commented, knowing that it would not be public, and as far as I knew was not even seen by Tam; she never mentioned it (on her blog anyway, remember I don't f-book) and I figured she had some kind of filter enabled. No matter, the comments were always by me and for me, albeit inspired by her post du jour, and I wrote apropos to the post as if they would be published like everyone else's.
So imagine my surprise, like everyone, when I saw her blog notice this morning. And like others, I wondered if it was just for me. So when reading someone's comment at RX's that mentioned f-book, I used someone's account to look there. Even then reading through others' puzzled comments, I didn't make the connection, until one, then another, said something about JTC. And then something about a stalker. WTF? I ended up scanning Tam's f-book scribblings for that whole past year, and sonuvabitch, several were all about me, calling me her "friend", her "stalker", various epithets, posting out of context quotes, intentionally inflaming and inspiring people to protect and defend her, talking about court orders and legal action and knowingly leading some to believe she was in physical danger and needed physical help? Possees, gators, lynchings...that right there is knowingly and wrongly fomenting violence; it is a crime and it is entirely documented. But JTC, you say, you were making veiled threats of violence and kidnapping and God knows what else you said to poor Tam that she hasn't yet told us?
So here it is, you wild-eyed bunch of pathetic wannabe sheepdogs; there ain't any. Not one. Not a single threat, not a single personal attack, not a single implication of anything that could in the wildest stretch of imagination be considered any sort of danger. Except when words are used without context, without reference to what they were in response to, without a single hint that all of them, every single one, was what would have been my regular response to whatever the post was about; quite the opposite, most were in support or agreement of, and with terminology mirroring and derived from, the post it was responding to. Somebody said this was an ongoing stalking situation over several years. And they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. But Tam didn't correct them, she didn't correct anyone even though she KNOWS it is all a created false scenario...created intentionally, by her.
So here's a little challenge for her: re-post every single comment made by me on your blog that was not made public, verbatim, right below the post of yours that it was in response to. No? Of course not, it will reveal you to all the world for the liar and sad self-doubting shell of a human being that you know and I know that you really are. I stalked you by saying I might combine a business trip with stopping in the gun show with my Georgia Girl? That I would like to buy a round of refreshment for a group that I have read comments from for years in celebration of my 60th birthday? The evil twit knows that my wife of 43 years, whom I went to prom with and to whom I have been married and faithful since I was seventeen fucking years old, is from Valdosta and has been called that on my former blog many times. And of course she would have been with me at the blogmeet too if I had made it, just as she goes everywhere I go and has for almost our entire lives. And you imply to your readers that there is some romantic type of interest or attraction? Based on what? Show me one single fucking comment or time that indicates anything like that. You do flatter yourself, as my interest in and exchanges with you has been more like that of a knowledgeable brother, including the salty (never sexually suggestive) language that you use and expect in return. How about this one; you quote me talking about Vulcans fuckin' leading some to believe it was some sort of sexual innuendo when in fact it was a direct quote from YOUR post! You let people believe that I would sit on my porch and shoot frickin' hummingbirds when that humor was due to YOUR post about hummingbird-engraved tiny shotguns, Jesus Christ how low of a sad and frustrated old maid are you?
Let me (finally, sorry for all of this) end with this...I dare you Tam -no, let me use terminology that you will understand- I tripledogdare you (gasp) to post my verbatim comments from the past year and the posts they were in reference to, on your f-book page, or on your blog, or in a fucking book if you want. Didn't think so, you sad, shriveled, barren shrew. And let me reiterate what I said above; if any one of the little remora that you have inspired with your lies makes the mistake of making any sort of direct in-person (type all you want to you pathetic vermin) threat to me, I will take every necessary action to stop that threat, and I will have the documentation to justify whatever I am forced to do, and plenty of documentation to make your Queen Tam your co-conspirator. And that is not a threat, it's a promise you can bet on.
Fire your blog back up Tamara, and hell, kill the moderation shit too. I guarantee you won't need it as far as I am concerned. And I am genuinely sorry for playing my part in taking away the enjoyment that many got from reading your work. But at least now they will know that regardless of the talents a person may be endowed with, they are still a fallible person, and in some that talent masks a cold black and evil soul. Vulcan? There you go flattering yourself again, disparaging every self-respecting Vulcan out there.
Wow, anon. You really are a paranoid little nutter.
I don't have to protect Tam. She can do that herself.
As for your comments, they are badly in need of a moderator edit ... for "clarity".
RX, print this, don't print it, your call. But it does need to be said. Also printed elsewhere.
And where did this "vulcan" shit come from? Are you reapeating shit your headvoices are saying?
As a sane schizophrenic, I have a bit of advice for you:
If your subconscious is making illogical decisions for you, and jerking you around like a fucking puppet, you need to take your meds.
"RX, print this, don't print it, your call. But it does need to be said. Also printed elsewhere."
Classic schizophrenic delusions there. Tam is not controlling your headvoices. Your subconscious is doing this on it's lonesome. Nothing is going to happen to you, and spewing this stuff is not preventing anything real from happening.
Accept this, and this delusional crap will grind to a halt.
I don't read comments often, and I don't facebook, so I had no clue all this was going on. Just read the anonymous skreed in the comments here--no wonder Tam got sick of dealing with it.
My best to her, and you. Sorry you're having to deal with this.
Illegitimi non carborundum.
I don't need to comment or delete; all I have to do is let it stand. That, friends, paragraph after paragraph, month after self-involved month, year after year, fake name after fake name, is what Tam has been dealing with -- and it continued after she went to comment moderation over a year ago and stopped publishing any of his stuff.
JTC, Pawnbroker, whatever you call yourself? You've said your piece. You are not welcome at my blog. Go away and don't come back. Don't comment. Don't pull a sock over your head and try to sneak back in; your style gives you away. You've said all it takes is a request? I've made one: begone! Honor it. --Or show yourself, again, for what you are, with an audience to witness it.
Anon .. One word for you and your post . BULLSHIT!
We're here if either of you need anything. I hate you both are having to go through this.
A stalker is somebody who, when asked or told to leave, doesn't. A person who keeps showing up where they are not welcome is a stalker.
And for what reason? What is the point in posting very long comments into someone else's blog when the commentor knows that they're not welcome to do so?
I cannot think of a rational reason for that. So while I do indeed pity the fool, fools can be annoying Or dangerous.
Roberta, your 7:35 comment: Well done. You gave him enough rope and he did it.
I'm sorry you both are having to deal with this. And I'm with Farmmom...if there's anything I can do, just let me know.
Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. Thank you Ms. X for sharing some of what has been going on at VFTP. Like others a readers of her material and not so much of the comments, really I had not much of a clue. After seeing the dump of rotten (scary) stuff it posted here I don't blame her at all for locking down, but sure will miss the good writing on interesting subjects.
If I can remember her e-mail I'll send along a little donation to support the next range session.
At the risk of repeating myself -- anything I can do, for either of you, just ask.
Roberta - thanks for leaving JTC/Pawnbroker/whoever's crap up there. It does help explain a lot for those of us who don't follow Facebook.
Also thank you to Tam for re-enabling your blog's archives.
4 point restraints and Haldol...Or ketamine....
Makes one happy his pathetic little blog does not attract such damn creeps...
Best to both of you!!!
Thank you for letting that steaming pile stink up the joint so we can all see it for what it is. Sane people know to go away when asked. Crazy stalkers continue to post screeds when they've been blocked. Being blocked is kind of a GIANT CLUE that maybe you aren't welcome.
I'm very sorry to hear about this; I had no idea what was going on. At first I thought I was seeing a Blogger glitch. Now I've done a little research and I find Tam's reaction very understandable, those comments are super creepy. I very much enjoyed View from the Porch, and I'll miss it. I probably should have said that more there. Of course, as is usual, my comments were primarily about the few things I disagreed with. (Speaking of which, I very much enjoy The Adventures of Roberta X, and hope Roberta never has to deal with the like.)
Best of luck!
BTW, I would moderate a Tam echo blog so she never had to see the unapproved comments, but I'm sure if she were to do something like that she'd prefer someone she knows and also someone who would look at it more than twice a day (that's how often I volunteer to look at comments).
Well, only thing I can think of Anonymous, or whatever function your species has for separating individuals, is that you crawl back into whichever infected stank-hole you slithered out of. Or you can pick a fight with anyone of us on any day in any state (and several countries). We'd be happy to rid the world of a herpes infected skin boil like yourself.
Damn, look at who lost control of their bowels on this nice clean floor.
MUCH worse than I imagined...
"Please tell her that she has lots and lots of friends out here who want nothing but the best for her.
We will support her whatever she does."
Damn Skippy.
So I take the day off and the World Explodes.
So some ^^^&&^^&$^&%%^#$%^^&%^&%%@$%^&$^&%^#%^%%^%%&^&%&%$^&^$^&%%&$^&^&&^&^$^&&^^$^&^^&$&$&^^$&^^^^%^#^%^**&%&*^*^&#^#^&&%*&*%&**$&^^%&*&*&%&*$$^^&*&*&^*&*&*&*()_)*(&^%$##$^&&&**()))(**&& JERK can't get it through his head to leave Tam alone? And she has to shut down her Blog to get away from him?
Sorry you have this happening in your Life, Roberta. And please tell Tam that a whole bunch of us are keeping the Porch Light lit for her return.
Sell crazy somewhere else, COM (Creepy Old Man).
Look at all the run-together stuff I'm sending 'cause it shows how important I am and AREN'T YOU LISTENING!?!?
Maybe he imagines he's Presidential material. Considering who has the job now, I suppose he could be learning by example.
Let's boil this down:
"blah blah blah deadly defense. something something lawyer. blah blah blah my intellectual pedigree. blah blah in which I insult the object of my obsession. blah blah blah I knew you didn't publish my stuff. blah blah blah blah I'm clearly obsessed with you and deign to pee on you early/often/with great fervor. Something something who? ME? *shrieking now?* blah blah ultimatum/please publish my obsessive screeds in public. Yada yada I NEVER threatened no one, no how."
Why would a mere human person not be thrilled to be the object of such attentions?
Un-fricken' believable
what this clown said!
Some people obviously don't have lives.
Please let Tam know we are behind her, whatever decision she makes.
(Of course, we do want her back)
My best to you and she, regardless.
I'm so very sorry about all this sicko BS. There are (were) only five blogs that I check every day.
Yours and Tam's at the top of the list.
Sad that such a nutjob spoils everyone's fun.
*reads screed above*
*stares suspiciously at coffee mug, wonders what, exactly, is in this new brand because DEAR LORD ABOVE, WHAT DID I JUST READ*
*reads subsequent comments, is glad she's not the only one who saw the nut fudge coming up through the cracks*
Right then.
First off, Tam, my sincerest sympathies. In part via my blog, I got myself some pseudo-stalkers of the religious cult variety who had the nerve, when I told them to knock it off, to make very creepy comments about younger siblings--siblings about whom I have never blogged. This is why I stopped blogging. Long story short, I (sort of) know where you're coming from, and I am really sorry you had to put up with that crap. I'm selfish enough to hope for my sake that VFTP goes live again sometime, but the important thing is that you do what you need to to a) feel safe and b) not have to deal with that sort of crap.
Second, some people in this thread mentioned Facebook. I went to FB to check out the threads there, assuming that because of the blog/your professional writing, your FB profile would be public.
You're probably completely aware of this, but I just thought I'd mention it on the offhand chance you aren't, FB privacy settings being the ephemeral and oft-changing things that they are: your FB page is set so that no one except friends can comment, which makes me wonder if you think you have it set private-to-only-friends. However,anyone, including non-friends (and presumably this nutter) can view it, albeit not comment on it. This might be intentional on your part, and it's your business, not mine. I mention it because a friend who had to deal with a stalker wasn't aware that her page settings were similar and that her stalker could read everything she'd written, so I hope you don't take offense at my pointing it out. :)
Whatever the status of your blog, may your days and those of our hostess here be filled with tasty grilled meats, delicious beers, shooty goodness, and fast internet connections.
Ms. X, thank you so much for giving us an update. I think I've commented here even less often than I did at Tam's, but please know that your blog is one of the first I read in the mornings, and that I especially enjoy your cooking posts.
It looks like ol Pawnbroker has gone completely off the deep end here.
An intervention by the mental health folks in Sebring Florida might be in order, before he has his "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" moment.
Hey Anonymous - you're why we can't have nice things on the Internet.
I love it.
“You’ve asked me several times to leave, and I’ve had to change my username multiple times so I could keep coming back and commenting after you’ve banned me, and I keep showing up in places where you are all the time. I also go to your roommate’s blog and post long winded crap about how I’m the abused party here. I’m obsessed to the point of writing long essays about how I’m the aggrieved party when all involved have asked me multiple times to just go away. I am focused on proving to you that I’m right, and you’re wrong, and I won’t go away until you admit it. HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A STALKER?”
Anon, JTC, Pawnbroker – You do realize that all of that that I wrote above, which is an abridged version of your long-winded puffery above, is the textbook definition of “stalker,” right?
You recognize that romantic desire is not necessary for a person to be a stalker? So even if you’re telling the truth, and it turns out that you don’t romantically desire Tam, that you’re still a stalker?
You might not have a concept of this, but whether a person is in the right, or they are in the wrong, if they disagree with what you have to say, and ask you to leave their property, you are bound by propriety and honor to effing LEAVE. Why would you choose to stay afterwards, if not to attempt to impose your will on that person, or harass them in retaliation for their disagreeing with you?
You’re a stalker, dude. Just own it. And seek help. Your obsession is not healthy. You need to accept that there are people in this world who disagree with you, and if you can’t handle that without acting like an uncivilized jagoff, separate yourself from them.
Roberta, thank you for letting your blog be the place where I could find out what happened to VFTP. As far as I could tell before I read this, it had simply been banned by my company's IT group.
Now I find that there's an entire history of a problem with a commenter over there, and that she's shut it down. I feel terrible about that, because in my morning surfing of the 'net, I hit hers just before yours, and just after Insty.
When (or I guess possibly "if", heavens forfend) she fires it back up, I'm hoping she does so simply because a whole lot of folks would miss her writing; I know I certainly would. In the meantime, I thank you again for letting the mess on the commenting floor remain, uncleaned, perhaps not cleanable, in your otherwise kindly atmosphere of mostly ladies-and-gentlemen.
Disturbing and delusional. I've read many of the comments on Tamara's Blog as well as your own. Heck I've even made some of my own comments. But I make not allusions of "knowing" either of you. So reading an 'obsessed rant" is troubling. Its all the more so in attempting to justify actions of a stranger to a host of other strangers.
That gives quite a bit of context to what is going on with Tam. I remember this guy over the years. Most of his comments, if taken one at a time have been no worse than annoying. Taken as a whole his obsession with Tam and increasingly frequent personal attacks add up to creepy-scary. Sometimes people just rub each other the wrong way. This guy needs to accept that and back off permanently. I doubt that Tam will ever want to hear from him, regardless of how he may feel about the matter.
At some point, whether you believe it's fair or not, it's made clear when you're not welcome.
When such a thing occurs, decent human beings go elsewhere and leave the lesser beings to their echo chamber. Comment trolls and stalkers double down and set up shop, forcing the more intelligent beings to play in the mud with them.
They also generally don't think they are in the wrong either. Helluva sensemble of entitlement.
Hey "Anonymous"...
Don't go away mad, fella. Just go away.
Daily reader, occasional poster here and at VFTP. Whatever Tam decides to do, I wish both of you all the best.
Now, that multi-comment spew above ... Wow. That's a rare blend of pomposity and fatuity right there, with a subtle (?) whiff of psycho.
Geez. No wonder Tam is taking a breather. Thanks for letting us know Roberta.
Holy crap.
Baron Von Munchhausen called.
And wrote.
And wrote some more.
And then again.
Worst 'I'm not a stalker' stalking I've seen in a while.
Wow, just... wow.
Step 1 - Lady says to leave her alone
Step 2 - You go away and don't look back.
Sounds pretty simple, now doesn't it?
Roberta, thanks for allowing the comments to remain up. I am another of the many who drop by for the insights and perspectives of both Tam's and your world.
Hoping for happier days in the future ...
If you don't do anything else, screenshot those comments. Run a Whois, or whatever you need to get the IP of the person, and screenshot the results.
Screenshot any other comments of a like nature. Find a detective with the local Sheriff's Office, buy him a coffee and let him read the screenshots.
This is the sort of thing that winds up as a Lifetime movie.
+1 on Lawdog... This NEEDS to be dealt with by the authorities... NOW
On the bright side, this stalker has provided one of the best arguments why we need gun rights I have seen in a while.
I deeply miss the daily doses of common sense Tam deals out. Not to mention the snark. Has she came considered posting but with all comment capability turned off?
Thank you, Roberta, for letting that--xxxxx--foul your fair place with that study in insanity. I say "xxxx" because even my vocabulary can't describe him/it. Loathing & revulsion are just the initial responses to having read all that.
Thanks because now we have a (probably very) mild idea of what Tam has been dealing with. Like others, I don't do the Book of Faces. I really had no idea.
He even brags of his prowess in the art of self-defense. As a libertarian, I hate the idea of denying means of defense to anyone, but anyone so defective really shouldn't be allowed to hold chopsticks.
Good to hear Tam's doing well. She's got work & play to occupy her, and she's centered, so I'm sure the lack of VFTP is only somewhat painful; moreover, it seems to have been the best, if not only, course to follow faced with such colossal derangement.
It's as if Bloody Stupid Johnson devoted his time not to building, but to commenting.
All the best to you both,
Tennessee Budd
While many of us would relish the chance at teaching Anony the error of his ways. I gotta agree with Lawdog on this one. Let an investigative type have a look at it. Gray bars and a cellmate named Tiny might change his entire outlook on life in general.
I don't wish pressure you to replace Tam. (Or even up your posting, to keep us happy.)
But it nice to see this note, and the other posts from today.
Best wishes to Tam, and to you.
"Chaad" is laboring under a serious misapprehension.
Under Florida Law: "Cyberstalking is when someone commits a series of acts that communicate (or cause to be communicated) words, images, or language through e-mail or other electronic communication that is directed at you, causing you substantial emotional distress (and serving no legitimate purpose)"
Which, I think, can be proven fairly easily. In Florida, you file an ex parte temporary injunction against stalking in the Circuit in which the cyberstalker lives.
Circuit Courts can be found here:
The ex parte order is good for 15 days, and gives the stalker an opportunbity to appear in court and state why a final injunction against stalking should not be issued.
A final injunction against stalking is permanent until modified or dissolved by the judge.
That's Florida law.
Under Indiana law -- I think, it's kind of murky -- it looks like you can file for a Domestic Violence Order of Protection against a stalker, even if the stalker is a stranger.
The forms to fill out can be found here, along with instructions:
"...respectful interactions with others..."
...that word--I do not think it means what you think it means...
I've had heated debate on various blogs and forums. If a blogger doesn't want me on their blog it's easy to get rid of me--politely ask or rudely demand. In theory any of those would work. Hasn't happened yet because before it gets there, I leave on my own. I'll also leave if I notice you moderating or editing my comments.
If I don't have respect for the blogger, I've got too much self-respect to stay where I'm not wanted.
That dude's more twisted than Tim Curry acting in King Lear.
Thanks for posting the insanity, Roberta, please pass to Tam I hope this will be the last anyone hears of the assclown.
Wow...Just wow...Lawdog makes some sense. In the mean time I think I would be jumpier than a cat when I left the house.
Course the best defense is a good offense.
I've seen bits and pieces of pawnbroken's dribble here and there, but this is the first time Iv seen the actual huge steaming heaps of it.
So that is what madness looks like on the inside. Frightening.
Thank you for leaving that screed up in comments. It is enlightening. I thought he was a little off when he was commenting as pawnbroker. Hopefully he will get the message and go.
I will dearly miss VFTP.
I read daily , comment rarely .
Tam and Roberta give those of us outside the USA a prospective on the USA that we can't get any where else and for that I thank you .
Please consider looking into legal action it is a weapon in your arsenal .
Anon must have been looking at his reflection in the monitor when he wrote " that regardless of the talents a person may be endowed with, they are still a fallible person, and in some that talent masks a cold black and evil soul "
Malevolent, evil, indecent, behavior towards one of our womenfolk is not permissible. Lots of us in the community of daily readers of gun blogs have developed a sense of sharing and family and this irresponsible, unrelenting attack on Tam is like someone attacking our younger sister.
While I know this type of stalking and harassment exists I do not understand it at all, this worm has repeatably besmirched Tam's honor and that is an affront to us all.
If this were a couple of hundred years ago this scum would be called out and have to answer in public for his behavior. A hundred years ago he would be horse whipped and run out on a rail and that would be too good for him.
As it is this piece of supperating pus is the person I would judge most likely to have a string of restraining orders in his past dealings with women. As of today I hope he is on notice that he is presence, in any form, will not longer be tolerated in the gun blog community and he should just go do something else with his life.
Thanks to all of the gun blog folks for standing up for Tam and especially Roberta for letting us know how badly she has been treated. Whatever Tam does I know that she will take her wonderful, exquisite, quirky humor with her and we will miss our daily share of Tam. God Bless you Tam and thank you.
You and Tam are both libraries; together, you are Alexandria. If Tam can publish for pay, she should do that and skip the aggravation. We'll miss her on VFTP, but all of her real fans will follow her wherever she publishes.
I frequently tell people to avoid courtrooms as much as possible, but if that jerk keeps on, hit him with the best lawyers you can find!
YouTube makes it easy to block jerks from commenting; I don't know why Blogger allows these animals into the system.
Roberta, I also offer my thanks for leaving JTC/Pawnbroker/whatever's textual drool to be seen and read by the mass of us who were unaware of what was happening.
I hope that snail-skulled little rabbit* crawls back into the den he slithered from and leaves you and Tam alone.
Hoping for the best, i.e. he goes away and stays away and Tam starts delivering my daily fix of guns and snark.
*"The Ultimate Flame" reference.
Roberta, I also offer my thanks for leaving JTC/Pawnbroker/whatever's textual drool to be seen and read by the mass of us who were unaware of what was happening.
I hope that snail-skulled little rabbit* crawls back into the den he slithered from and leaves you and Tam alone.
Hoping for the best, i.e. he goes away and stays away and Tam starts delivering my daily fix of guns and snark.
*"The Ultimate Flame" reference.
Another who will miss Tam's wonderful writing and snark, but who is thankful for what I have already enjoyed at her blog, and would not ask her (or anyone) to continue doing something she finds less than fun/worthwhile, when all aspects are properly weighed.
And thanks to Roberta for the explanation, as I was at a loss as to what was going on (another not-a-facebooker here).
Notice also that he Still hides from everyone by continuing to post anonymously.
I'd have a kernel of respect for his if he'd post his name and address and workplace.....
Agree w/NFO and Lawdog. Let's see how good his lawyers are at defense. Damn. Bast regards to you and Tam, Ms.X.
Go away, nutball.
Spam has been removed. Friends, please don't feed the trolls.
Well, that certainly explains a lot.
Question: Since the free ice cream machine is currently out of order, what is the location of the non-free ice cream machine?
That dude appears to be a true legend - in his own mind. Gun stores, pawn shops, coin/jewelry dealer, lawyer(2 -why?) on retainer, always prepared, etc. Somehow I 'spect that Tam isn't the first person it's stalked. Could that be why it's no longer at its "cabin in the Georgia mountains"?
What a sad, sad little man.
Sorry ma'am.
Tam was a daily read for me. I miss her patented and never duplicated brand of snark.
I wish her the best.
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