"Student Power IU" is pushing for a general strike at Indiana University come April, protesting reductions in state funding, University program management and a grab-bag of buzzwordy issues including racism on campus (seriously; they're claiming the old-fashioned, official, institutional kind, too, though I suspect it's actually an ugly echo of the odious Woodrow Wilson* and they are arguing for the continuance of special treatment; but I digress).
The organizing document is an interesting mishmash of anti-capital/anti-marketplace notions sitting uncomfortably with the belief that, since their tuition bears an increasing percentage of the cost, students should get more voice in how the university is run: do they believe you can have it both ways? It does make token nods to popular causes -- the environment, race, "the liberatory potential" of a college education -- but the overwhelming tone is one of entitlement.
They plan to strike 'cos they aren't getting everything they want at a price that suits 'em. --Now usually, when customers strike, that's called a "boycott," and they go shop somewhere else (how long would IU last if the student body departed en masse for ivorier towers? Instead of, oh, paying their tuition and then acting up?). None of that for this lot! They'll strike! Just like bus drivers, garbage collectors or electrical linesmen, they will withdraw their valuable services from society and then we'll see!
Just how long do you suppose it'll take before we're suffering from the lack of IU students? Other than the slight increase in signs waved and bong smoke, will anyone even notice? --Other than the striking students themselves, who may find the awarding of degrees somewhat delayed once they've stopped working on getting 'em.
* I strive to always refer to that miserable racist as "the odious," and I recommend the practice to you.
2 months ago
I doubt they realize the final cost, if they continue with their Marxist Christmas pageant.
If they think surviving on campus is an ugly event, someone should open the gates and allow them to wander into the jungle of the real world. Hopefully, they'll bring some snake boots, water and a weapon, other than a whining voice.
So, ummm....wouldn't that just open seats for other paying students to attend?
For some reason I just can't envision a picket line manned by a dozen or so spoiled yuppie kids as being very intimidating. Besides, their peers can be pretty creative as back when I attended Purdue when all the cool kids were protesting the South African apartheid gov't and decided to hold a hunger strike. The rest of us fired up the bar-b-que grills and had feasts in front of them. The hunger strike didn't last very long.
'The Odious' it is!
Dave: even if not prematurely ended, one wonders exactly how much effect a hunger strike in Indiana would have had upon the government of South Africa -- had they heard of it.
Odious... Love it! :-)
Woodrow Wilson is the one US President whom, if I were lucky enough to glom onto a working time machine, I would gladly strangle in his crib.
The man did more damage than the bad Roosevelt in the wheelchair.
Yet The Odious still has a special place in DC
An old workmate landed a position there as chief curator. His doctoral thesis was on how WW dealt with the Mexican Revolution of the time.
I translated some of the original document from "gunnie" to "academic."
Made sure he included the NRA in his footnotes.
Exactly right Rx! That'e why the rest of us that were pursuing degrees involving sociology or political science decided to go hang out and watch the hunger strike... and grill some burgers...
^ Sorry, an editing mistake o my part. That should have stated:
"That's why the rest of us that were pursuing degrees NOT involving sociology or political science decided to go hang out and watch the hunger strike... and grill some burgers...
You are being kind of hard on the merely odious, aren't you? ;-)
Now if the Indiana Republican party were smart guys, they'd "reform" the university system by immediately reducing the number of non-teaching staff to 1990 levels, then reduce the Student's tuition cost commensurate with the reduction.
Talk about a teachable moment.
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