The Colonel Shrugs
Ordered: 3-piece meal, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, no drink
Received: large Diet Pepsi, 2-piece meal, potato wedges and an alleged "biscuit."
Handed over after an unusually long wait by a guy who was barely there at all -- since he was also filling counter orders! (Also, no loop-closing in the order process. Most places either repeat it back or have a display screen.)
Dear Kentucky Fried Chicken: I will not be back. You suck worse than ever. (Also, no chicken pot pie? Major suckage!)
ETA: Great. The world is gonna end and all I will have et is some crummy fried chicken. Frikkin' Aztecs.*
* I know, I know, I know. It wasn't Incas, either. Or ninjas.
1 month ago
Hey, that biscuit is great. It can be made into more things than an Arduino kit ...
Well, except edible. That it can't be made into.
The best thing about most of our KFCs is that they are also Taco Bells. That way I don't have to avoid two different businesses, just the one.
Just pretend you're following Jeff Cooper's Rule #1, slightly modified: The Order Is Always Wrong.
I think Popeye's chicken is better anyway.
I would suggest trying a different location. I went into the local one a couple of weeks ago after at least a year and it was great.
Meh. I live a couple of miles from Claudia Sander's, where good fried chicken went to retire. Haven't been to KFC in years.
In my yute, KFC was excellent!
Delicious, hot, well-made greasy food!
Then, they made them get rid of the additives, and the cancer-causing fry grease...
It just doesn't taste the same.
AND, did you forget Joe Pesci's intonation? (Lethal Weapon II) Did you check the order?
"They f*** you in the drive thru - they know you'll be miles away when you discover the mistake!"
That's why i DON'T visit them anymore...
The last time I went to KFC, they didn't have any chicken....at 5:30 in the afternoon.
I didn't ask why, or get irritated. I left as fast as my short legs would allow and was thankful they didn't have any chicken.
Did he at least give you the right change?
There's a reason I've given up on KFC. They get something screwed up every time.
Training, quality control, cleanliness, active management...these are things that so many KFC's lack. I don't know if its mostly the franchises or the company stores, but their model has broken. Maybe the fact that there's 4000 outlets in China has caused them to lose focus in the U.S. Popeye's rules.
Are you sure the next person in line didn't get a 3-piece meal with coleslaw and mashed potatoes, when he ordered a 2-piece meal, potato wedges and a biscuit?
In a former life, I was an alarm/video service technician. One of my calls involved a couple of hours behind the counter and to the back of the store at a Taco-KFC-Bell. Call me Customer Never A-gain.
ALMOST as good as trying to get my just-out-of-reach order held halfway between the counter and the beverage bar by a worker engaged in a conversation/fight with her coworker that this former Sailor blush.
I'm all about Church's. Or, since there's none nearer than Santa Fe, Stingray's pan-fried.
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