Or is it hypochondria? I spent Sunday and Monday wondering if, perhaps, I was fattening up a cold, hoping not, but by last evening, 'twas obvious.
Fever, chills, sinus congestion/drainage, cough, body aches, fatigue, headache of different form than the usual, hey wow! Dearie me, it fits H1N1, quick, panic!
...And the symptoms are typical of pretty much every other flavor of flu as well, plus good many colds. Haven't decided if I wanna go get nasal-swabbed yet, 'cos, well, what I'm reading is they haven't anything that works much better than hot tea with honey in it and plenty of rest, pretty much the standard home remedy for lo these last hundred years.
(Speaking of a hundred years and terrible wars, have you seen this? Blame it on Napoleon, it commemorates him gettin' shellacked).
2 months ago
Get well soon!
O.K., I'll ask, what brought you to look at the Battle of Nations monument?
Shootin' Buddy
Fun fact: the reason so many illnesses have the same symptoms is that they're caused by your very own mammalian immune system, not the bug. Fever to pressure the bug, pains and exhaustion to get you to lie the hell down. Only the drainage is bug-induced. Not that it makes life any easier to know that...
Attach yourself to a water source. It's astounding how fast a good fever can dehydrate you, and that, barring a secondary infection, would be what would really get you into trouble with a flu or flu-like illness.
Feel better soon, and get your rest, young lady!
I hope you feel better soon. I'll second the others and ask you to remember you need rest and fluids when you have a fever.
wv: rhoutt, I hope you rhoutt this bug soon!
Shootin' Buddy, it's simple: I went to look up the Voortrekker's Monument, which Robert A. Heinlein briefly describes in his travelogue and tries to give some sense of just how culturally askew it struck him in the early 1950s; I'd never seen the thing and was curious what it looked like past RAH's eerie description. So, finding it, one of the sites mentioned other, similar structures, first among them the Völkerschlachtdenkmal. It is even more striking to my eye than the South African one (impressive though that one is), especially the interior, and thus the link.
Indianapolis' very own World War Memorial is very much on the same theme (though, I think, a somewhat smaller scale) and perhaps that's why these structures interested me.
...So far, space fans, I feel worse. Worked a full shift today and it was The Pits. My nose is a delightful shade of red, et tired, achy cetera.
I hope you feel better!! We'll do the big broad ripple breakfast this weekend and you'll feel better.
Water and green chile stew is the way to go. I like Pho, too, because the broth is good for you.
Feel better soon.
Don't waste your money on medical treatment unless a secondary infection seems likely. Tamiflu is only effective if started within 48hrs of onset, and shortens the course of the illness by only 1 day.
Speaking of remedies,a friend of mine used to say that if you went to a doctor,took prescription meds and stayed in bed,your cold could be gone in a week.If you did nothing it might take as long as seven days.
My father swears that the only sure remedy for a cold is a quart of gin and a quart of orange juice in a one to one mixture. Combine that with 10 uninterrupted hours of sleep.
Lots of water, rest, and gin always does seem to help.
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