RX (Reading aloud): "Says here the new 'Duke Nukem' game is a 'a festering irrelevance...that could only endear itself to the sociopathic and mentally maladjusted.'"
Tam: "I'm there!"
Me, I am not so much a gamer, having been Baskin-Robbinsed right out of it back when I was a wee tiny critter and spent most of a weekend playing "Star Trek" on some horrible primitive mainframe machine. (That was the version with the torus-shaped universe, thanks to some programmer's glitch, not that any of us knew at the time, this being before there were graphics or even color). But even I know reviews as negative as the ones linked above constitute a kind of seal of approval for many gamers.
2 months ago
What Duke Nukem's not a game about fluffy bunnies, rainbows and unicorns? The name really fooled me.
They're actually releasing Duke Nukem Forever? Armageddon is nigh!
Given it's nearly as difficult to get some of these sites to say something unequivocably bad about a game as it is to get most gun magazines to say something unequivocably bad about a gun, I'm less tempted.
Never got to play that Star Trek mainframe game, but I was tickled by the marketing when it morphed into the commercially available NetTrek:
"Captain! Enemy wessel in Accounting!"
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