I guess I'm just a pessimist. With widespread rioting in Egypt and the breakdown of civil order in that country, my brain lit up a radiation trefoil and posed the question: "Are there any reactors in Egypt?"
Why yes. Yes there are. At least one of them is a bit wonky. If you're the worrying type, you'd be wondering if maybe they already had a sneaky weapons program.
Remember just a few weeks ago, when decent, ordinary Muslim Egyptians were standing shoulder to shoulder with their Coptic fellows to keep halfwits from disturbing Christmas celebrations? I sure hope there are a lot more of those guys than wild-eyed kaboomies; but I would hate to have to bet on it.
Except we already kind of are.
1 month ago
You want your paranoia updated a notch? Who is leading the opposition? El Baradei! Former chief of UN IAEA and expert on such matters. That should be either really good news or really bad, depending on...
But with the Bamster and Hil in charge, what can go wrong?
Feels like 1979 all over again. Including the Carteresque president.
Sure you guys don't want to head out of the city and go work/live at Farmer Frank's? Living close to Big Cities keeps raising the hair on my neck. Something about Suitcase Bombs and the Lack of Homeland Security...
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