Even though no one was hurt. It's impolite to giggle.
...Still, when something goes awry in the sewers in those hours between bar-closing time and dawn, creating a tooth-rattling explosion people nearby compared to thunder; and it happens along Massachusetts Ave, heart of the "Arts (and gay bars) District," you'd think the people inside my tellyavision would have the grace to refrain from calling it, "An explosion that blew off manholes along Mass Ave...."
They didn't refrain. They used the phrase, big as life. Great, we were getting free urban renewal along that street....
1 month ago
Are you feeling better?
"It's raining manholes! Hallelujah!"
If the guy on TV wishes to make an ass of himself, so be it. ;-)
If they can't tell the difference between manholes and manhole covers, then I guess it really is too much to expect them to distinguish between clips and magazines.
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