Generic Roberta X blog post. Body text body text body text. Italics for emphasis. More body text.
Can't indent paragraphs! Annoying. An aside occurs to me.* More body text. Haphazard misspelling that I will find and fix two dats later.
Available via the link at Tam's. Buy there 'cos I'm her landlady.
Bolded: Text about something semi-related that happened later.
Make this line really small. _______________________________
* This is a footnote. Footnotes are kewl. And only kind of small. Also note trendy spelling.
3 days ago
Pithy comment.
Apology for the flirty nature of my last comment.
Half-funny attempt at humor.
Well, it beats greeking.
Og: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
This is the snarky comment that gleefully points out a gaping logical hole that disappears if the commenter had bothered to read the entire post.
This is my smart ass comment made at North's expense, because he beat me to the pithy comment joke that I wouldn't thought of sways.
comment agreeing with a previous commentor.
This the post where in notice the word that apple predictive text inserted; because I mispelled it, for got a letter, or a space, that I didn't notice till after I hit enter and bares little resemblance to the word I was trying to spell.
I'll note it with a sigh... sways = anyways.
Sadface goes here
First Name
Silly yet superficial comment that indicates the reader hasn't a clue.
Comment wondering if this was the song that inspired this post:
Comment on some tangentially related subject I haven't thought about in several weeks but the post reminded me of. Snide aside directed at semi(?)-imaginary grammarians.
This is the post that validates Goodwins Law.
This is the post describing a similar incident of greater magnitude wherein the poster was able to resolve the issue because of the Sooper Seekret Mall Ninjitsu class he/she just took.
Use at own risk. Wear eye protection at all times. No deposit, no return.
wv: Unrelated comment regarding how the word verification comes close to relating to the post.
This is where I'd translate the original (latin, not greek) of the (do)Lorem Ipsum, which is actually, IIRC, a piece of a speech by Cicero. Except I've not got my latin texts where I can lay my hands on them, and I'm damned if I'm gonna let Google do it for me, because there's some goofy Google easter egg triggered by "Lorem Ipsum"
italicized non sequitur.
Og: Pedantic note linking to commentary on "lorem ipsem".
Triple-entendre salvo lobbed at previous witty commenter.
Pseudo-complaint about previous commenter owing one a new keyboard due to snortage of carbonated soda product!
This is the comment made by the blogging snob, because they're jelious, because they didn't think of this. Stating that in the old days of blogging, blogging was a serious business, and that you used to have to have posts with relevant content.
When you check out there profile they've been blogging less then a year and have 2 followers on their blog.
Obscure tangentially related fact.
Peeved swipe at previous commenter perceived to be overly parochial.
Generic comment that laya at the bottom of the heap, a day late, a dollar short and read by practically nobody.
This is where I say "What Art said."
Pathetic attempt at getting noticed by female blogger.
turing word: undle - Uh, maybe I should just leave it at that...
Vaguely clueless and slightly pretentious bit of engineering esoterica.
Muttering about bacon.
Completely non-sequitur inside joke (meaningful only to the commenter) about Fegelein and/or Candlejack...oh no, not aga
Calling out of original post and/or previous commenters for poor spelling and/or grammar.
Spam comment just pertinent enough to the original post to give the impression they may have read the headline, and including the obligatory complement about this interesting and informative blog posting.
[Link to spammer's completely unrelated web site hawking overpriced, poorly produced crap that no one wants]
Insert attempt at witty comment here, with blatant plug for other blog.
Me too!
What can I say, except +1?
(Hey, SOMEONE had to say it!)
[Gasp!] No strike-outs?
Hey, I went to public California.
wv: hibson
My teechir
wv: mononvo
pathetic praise for the deep, insightful wisdom of your post, followed by an even more pathetic request for a link exchange.
Off the wall comment which will either be misunderstood or not understood at all.
Amused comment that Sailorcurt's faux-spam actually ended up in the spamtrap and had to be fished out!
Random non-sequitur comment that probably a comment to the previous post.
Late attempt to keep the thread going.
Winking smiley face.
Link to Wiki article proving previous poster is wrong.
wv and its meaning.
Comment in which Roberta X gleefully congratulates readers/fellow bloggers for having stepped right up and got in the spirit of the thing. Includes phrases like "I have the best people on the Innerwebs stopping by" and the like.
Obligatory link whoring post to my own blog, including a link to an unrelated article.
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