Rah-rah speaker: "Remember, quality is always #1! --Yes, question?"
RX: "So that means our customers are 'number two?'"
...Long silence followed. Um, further, I will not say.
5 weeks ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
So how long did it take you to write "I will keep my mouth shut during Company Meetings" 100 times on the White Board?
We were told that our main mission was to keep share prices high.
That did wonders for morale.
I worked for Big Blue during their transition from Excellence As A Way Of Life to Good Enough To Get By.
I was never good at keeping my mouth shut in meetings. Made for some interesting times.
My problem with meetings is staying awake...
I dont get invited to meetings anymore.
What news on the car?
Ah, I remember all the various acronyms of useless folderal ... TQM, Six Sigma ...
I enjoyed being the burr under their saddles too.
:-) Bwahahaha!
I had to conduct the damn things...hated that.
I am reminded of the US .gov facility that had the sign out front proudly proclaiming their commitment to quality via "ZERO DEFCETS".
Ditto og. When you ask questions that make other department heads... uncomfortable... they stop asking you to show up.
Suits me.
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