You can't ever say, "Gee, I feel physically lousy and generally depressed," without a half-dozen idiots inquiring meaningfully about what you might be planning to do.
Soak in the tub and afterwards get a good night's sleep, is what. And hope for a better mood tomorrow. The flu that hit Roseholme Cottage recently tends to linger in lungs and sinuses and general exhaustion. It's no darned fun.
1 month ago
Yeah, because nobody ever killed themselves before the invention of Gunpowder.
Thas'ok. Beats.the snot outta p-neumonia, which I had SO much fun with last Nov. Apparrently, standard procedure is a syringe in the back, into lung to draw off fluid from said lung. Naw. No way, Jose'. We went in the armpit w/a garden hose ta suck the jello outta that puppy. I was so out of it, don't even remember the ride to E/R. VERY strange delusions/hallusinations. (good drugs helped, I'm sure...) I'll take da flu, thank yew vurry much.... O:-)
I guess I'm lucky. when I tell SWMBO I'm feeling blue she says, "You're not going to get rid of your guns are you?"
And gods forbid you express any frustration with the rest of the species....
Hope you feel better soon!
Can someone please explain why you have so many outbreaks of 'Ogden Nash' like flu epidemics (and sundry others too)? Over here we seem to go for years without anything more than our usual (namby-pamby british) colds, or are we just too wishy-washy to get proper germs now?
Still thinking of you. Hope you recover soon - I saw a TR3 and frogeye with your name on it ;-)
I suspect the paranoids, Able; they poison wells, you know, and carry disease.
"Yeah, because nobody ever killed themselves before the invention of Gunpowder."
A lot fewer people made meddlesome 911 calls back then, though. :p
Just because you're done with the flu doesn't mean you're OVER it.
Take it easy until you feel like your old uh, FORMER self.
JohninMD, had the pneu myself a year ago September; compared to you, looks like I got off light. Just a handful of pills to fix it, but none of the goood kind, dad-rat-it.
Yeah,I understand.When I had a stroke,everybody was sure I'd off myself,but I'm not the kind to quit,I learned to walk again.Then I started having seizures,and the drugs they gave me had a warning label"may cause depression".Loved ones thought I should get rid of my guns.I said "Look,if I wanted to kill myself,I wouldn't leave a big mess for you to clean up,I'd just take the whole bottle of pills at once and go to sleep (forever)"
They didn't take my car keys or my razor,or my belt,(which all can be lethal)but OMG GUNS!
As I've repeatedly told friends:
The first sign that I am going to shoot myself will be the loud bang of the shot. If I'm talking, I am not suicidal; just bummed.
Be entertaining, not concerned so I get unbummed!
Whenever I feel crappy my friends are all about who gets my "stuff" if I die.
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