Rule of thumb: if no better basis exists, vote for the fatter candidate. Sure, you'll need more tar and feathers, but they can't hide as easily or run as fast. I'm sure other advantages will occur to the imaginative reader.
Hoosiers, get out there and send Steven H. David off to "explore other career opportunities!" Heck, he's not even fat, other than between the ears.
2 months ago
It's important to vote early and vote often.
Naw, vote for the SKINNY candidate. That way the rope won't break, and you can re-use it.
I noted what Tam said about Justice Rucker and am almost sorry that I had decided to vote NO on all judges.
Almost sorry.
I figure that entire bank of men in black dresses needs to go. But I also figure we'll be lucky to get rid of the one truly bad one.
I saw a T shirt at Downtown Disney that read "Fat People Are Hard to Kidnap".
The fatter guy is bound to be lazier, and thus will be less proactive in his plans to screw things up.
Larger target at distance?
Thanks for the post a few days ago regarding Stephan David, Rx. Although I intended to vote to kick him off the bench I had forgotten his name, if you hadn't refreshed my memory I'd have probably given him a favorable vote today.
....And Bill Quick thinks you don't know what you're talking about...Who's Bill Quick and what has HE done that's important?
"The fatter guy is bound to be lazier, and thus will be less proactive in his plans to screw things up."
Nobody remembers Winston Churchill any more.
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