The former "Two And A Half Men" actor has managed to change "sheenie" from a reprehensible ethnic slur to an adjective: "Have you been drinking? You seem really out of control, almost sheenie."
It's a kind of progress.
Update: Other possibilities: "He has the sheen of madness," or a twist on the old term for over-acting, "Chewing up the sheenery."
2 months ago
Well, if you are possessed with "Adonis DNA" what's a guy to do? Go quietly into the night? Why not turn an ethnic slur into an adjective. Possessed with "Bi Winning" skills this should be simple.
Well, I guess I wasn't up on my slurs.
Thanks search-fu. Thanks tubes-of-web.
Heck, I thought it had been applied to the Irish until I did a websearch. Gah.
"After chugging the vodka, my buddy went complete sheenie"
"Have you been drinking? You seem really out of control, almost sheenie."
Wow, Roberta. You are way off with this. You can't apply 'sheenie' to someone you have to question about their sobriety. Sheenie is not tipsy.
If you see someone who is naked, has partied for 36 hours, done a pound of blow, and is stuffing 8 hookers into the closet, THEN you can apply the label 'sheenie'.
Actually that person would still have a long way to go...
What can I say? I've led a sheltered life.
I'm glad your shelter is a little dryer...
'Shiny!', wait...
Hysterical, wrong TV show, too bad he's become his character (or reverted to it, again?)
Charlie has ventured into comedy with his latest bout of the sheenies.
Roberta: here's a couple highlights in case you've missed all the fun:
Duh Winning
Winning for Men
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