Hugo Chavez, noted astronomer and planetary ecologist, also fat-headed autocrat, says capitalism may have ended life on Mars. He's serious.
The opposition: they're committed, they're commitable, and they think their ill-informed opinions are Eternal Truths.
Is this what spooked Balko into taking the blue pill?
2 months ago
The Brady Bunch reruns ended life on mars.
Slim Whitman was awful hard on Martians if I remember right.
Perhaps the Navy can scramble their eggs on their way home from dealing with Michael Jackson's partner in fashion crime.
I might buy Pugsley's thesis if he was talking about Imperialism and Arrakis, but Mars? What a Dummy! Everyone know that Mars Needs Women, not Water!
What - it isn't Bush's fault?
I find it really interesting that so many very well to do entertainers have an affinity for communist thugs like Fidel, Che, and Hugo.
It's fashionable, Shena.
Isn't Mars the "Red Planet"?
Can't we just ask Val Kilmer? He was there he should know.
Shootin' Buddy
Damn Federation of Concerned Spacemen!
:) ...Did you know FCS has an earthside counterpart? I think they lean a lot more Left, though.
They are just Edger Wantabes
I'm really enjoying the book.
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