It's made of win -- is offering a very nice T-shirt, with the slogan (yes, in Japanese), "Don't give up, Japan! We're in this together!" over a Japanese flag and a raised-hands graphic. ("Gambare" is translated a bit loosely into "Don't give up" --"Keep striving," or "Do your best" are a bit closer from what I'm reading).
All the profits go to the Japanese Red Cross Society. If you don't want a T-shirt, they have a link on that page to a site where you can donate directly.
There you go: a way to help out. And get a T-shirt at the same time, if you're so inclined.
2 months ago
Done! Thanks!
Better than the Rising Sun Imperial Flag logo being used by another fund raiser for similar ends. Hmmm, I bet that goes over well in Korea and China. And me, what with the Grandfather I never had a chance to meet.
They make gizmos that kings would have raised armies for. I'm in.
I hope you don't mind, I'm stealing from you, again! I wrote a post, h/t to you, of course, including this link. Wonderful idea! Thanks! gfa
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