Huck the cat, who has for some time been knocking small items off my dressing-table to get me out of bed in the morning, has hit on a new and more effective strategy: the past two mornings, he has attempted to steal my wristwatch.
He very carefully and deliberately selects it from the various items, picking it up with great delicacy, leaping down and running away. The first time, he got as far as his scratching post in the living room.
This one bears watching. He's a pretty clever -- and larcenous -- fellow.
2 months ago
Ah, clever and larcenous does require watching!
Jigsaw has been using a reliable technique for years. She just extends the points of her claws and delicately taps at my face. We've found that sharp pointies in close proximity to eyeballs works every bloody time.
If she starts stealing my watch (and she'll need thumbs to work the buckle)...
...she'll start wearing the watch.
How EXACTLY do you pronounce that title? We have a cat that does the same thing with disposable safety razors. They are the ultimate prey animal apparently.
Maybe you should have named him Raven?
Might I suggest a potentially amusing trick to play on young Huck?
Tie the watch to the dressing table with a short length of fishing line.
Just imagine his consternation as the watch is snatched away at some point in his escape.
Were you referring to Fagan from Oliver Twist in the title. Wouldn't it be 'Fagany"?
That is quite interesting. Never experienced a cat that would do that.
I did a search and the spellings seem to run 50/50 Fagan/Fagin but I seem to remember it as Fagan from reading it decades ago.
Huck the cat, who has for some time been knocking small items off my dressing-table to get me out of bed in the morning...There I thought it was a Ghostbane trick.
TBeck: Faginy, from Fagin, of Oliver Twist fame. FAY-gin-ee. (Hard "gee".)
Fagin. Per Dickens.
I had a dog who would surreptitiously steal tools that I had left on the floor of the garage. I'm working on the car, and reach for a screwdriver, and it's gone...
But for wake-up, he didn't do much worse than pace the floor while I was smacking 'snooze'.
Like Karrde's dog, Kang will steal tools left within muzzle's reach. Worse, she will bury them if not caught.
For alarm clock purposes she finds applying a cold nose to the back of the neck raises anyone.
Rocket Baby has been noisily nibbling at the corners of books and magazines left under the bedside table. Since I no longer keep anything of value there, it's not working so well. But it seems to amuse her. Bookmarks must now be inside the pages, or she will extract them for idle amusement.
Uh, that wristwatch doesn't have an alarm function does it.
I'm visualizing said alarm going off while in transit...
Our smallest cat steals my wife's earrings, if she leaves them out. Picks one at a time, puts it in her mouth, then carries it around the house for an hour or so. When she gets bored, drops it wherever she happens to be. Couple of hours later, she goes for the other one. Lather, rinse and repeat. Apparently they smell just right, and are just the right size to carry around to remind her of Mom. Go figure.
We went through a lot of earrings before we found out what was going on.
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