...With Bacon in my dreams....

This is how it met the plate.
It starts here, with a challenge from
Uncle Jay, who handed me a can of the stuff at the previous BlogMeet: "Let's see what you can cook up with

Actually, it starts here, sitting on a cheeseboard.

I had my doubts, but it sliced up nicely...

...and cooked up nicely.

Set that aside. (Stashed in the oven, as the cats thought it was

I moved on to other filling items.

Plus cheese -- I had the cheeseboard out already, after all.

Bamboozed the eggs with some milk, water and Worcestershire and started the tricky bit next.

Managed to flip it!

Two huge servings:

With salsa -- I added some hot sauce, Tam went with red/black/green pepper

Afterwards, the cats demonstrated how to cope:

Ahh, a nap!

Verdict? It tastes great! You should put a few cans of
SPAM® with Bacon in your food cache. I'd rate it better-tasting than the original version (and even that, if you've never tried it, fries up a treat; I keep a can or two on the shelf all the time, for emergency breakfast meat).
Very impressive results for the throwdown!
Nicely done!
Much to the horror of The Woman Who Knows Most Things and the Perfect Child, I do loves me some SPAM...
Fortunately, Wally-Mart carries a large assortment, including individual serving packets.
I have no problem with Spam as long as it is browned properly. Straight from the can it can be eaten in a sandwich if it is sliced thinly and has some adequate condiments in the sandwich with it. One of its most valuable uses is as an emergency ration; it is high in protein and fats and can be eaten hot or cold. If I recall correctly, that was what it was originally designed for and was used by the armed forces during WWII.
Spam, spam, spam, sausage, egg and spam, with gruyere cheese and a spam garnish.
Sounds delightful, actually.
Merry Christmas, and thanks for all the free ice cream!
Worcestershire sauce in the eggs? Veeddy inntedestink!
TBG: Thanks for the tip on Wally World. My local store only carries regular and lite. I much prefer the low sodium version. Not because I'm avoiding salt, I just prefer to add my own.
Alright, maybe I need to send the official foodie of the zombie apoceylips a Taylor Pork Roll or something.
Imagine a breakfast meat made by the Taylor Provisions company that is somewhere between bacon and Lebanon Baloney, is made of all pork, and is affectionately known as "pac-man bacon" in some circles.
We like the low sodium version (still plenty o' salt for my tastes), and use it quite a bit. The teenage boys have figured out (i.e. we told 'em) that if they get hungry, it's good to know how to cook.
Merry Christmas, Roberta.
Looks very tasty. I have zero problem with SPAM in breakfast uses...it is salty enough to work. It's the folks that slice it up for dinner that make my tummy a little rumbly.
The only real dinner use I have found for spam is dicing it small and using it in fried rice...if it's too big the texture gets to me.
Merry Christmas!
Excellent response to the challenge. Yummmm!!!
EJ made roast beast with gravy, with potatoes, carrots and white aspargus for Christmas dinner. I simply sat and applauded, not being able to do much else.
Your photos had me salivating! Along with the "I (heart) SPAM" bumper sticker on my truck, and a couple spare SPAM singles in the glove box next to the tin of crackers and jar of Olde English KRAFT cheese product, I like to keep a few cans of Turkey SPAM on hand. Delightful, delish and with less artery clogging fat and sodium than the relished original. I also heartily recommend the SPAM Museum in Minnesota! Who knew there was once SPAM frozen pizza!? It's worth it if only for the Monty Python Green Midget Cafe display. Did I mention that I have a book of SPAM Haiku?
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