Nancy Pelosi wants "the boldest possible" antigun legislation. Yeah, sure, swing for the fences, Nan.
...So, will you please write or call your Congressthing now? She wants to play for keepsies.
1 month ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
God knows I'm trying, Bobbi, but I got just one tensie little problem. I live in the fith congressonel district of Maryland. My Congresscritter is...Steny (can I please lick your shoes, Ms. Pelosi?) Hoyer. And Mike Busch, the Speaker of the St. House of Delegates,who has voted for every anti-gun measure for 20 years, is one of my 3 delegates. (sigh) I truely live in Mordor....
They are politicians, all of them; they rely on our votes. If enough people to convince them they can't win without the pro-gunners votes, they will sing a different tune.
I try to write all of them at least once a week. I use all of the cool toy put up by GAO, NRA, S&W, Ruger. I always get the same response back. Is it time for short rope yet? Maybe a little tar, a little feathers?
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