Britain's Queen Elizabeth is preparing to have her swans counted.
Please oh please, let this be one of those charmingly British turns of speech for some common and unpleasant task, oh, pleeese. "'Avin' me swans counted," she said, and everyone remembered how chilly the instruments always were, not to mention the noise....
Aw, rats, no. They're counting. Actually counting. Swans. Unh, okay. I try not to judge. Even if the official name for this process is "Swan Upping," painful as that sounds.
Holyhowlingheck, the Brits have got a Swan Warden! Do we even have, like, a cygnet Czar? Bet not.
UPDATE: Dustbury posted this and I am shamelessly stealing it. I howled.
2 months ago
Swan Warden?? Nice work, if you can get it.
Swans are property of the I guess ya gotta inventory them from time to time.
Swans can be good eating; basically they're just a big-ass goose.
Do we even have, like, a cygnet Czar?
Shhhh...! Don't give 'em any ideas!
"Swan Warden?? Nice work, if you can get it."
Probably a cozy sinecure, like Prefect of the Capitoline Geese...
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