One Toke Over The Line. Without, mind you, a trace of irony. An' a-one, an' a-two....
Wonder if he ever covered Black Dog?
2 months ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
Its fun to see retirees out and about, and guess at which of they burn one down on a regular basis. You know, for their glaucoma.
As an aside, a slightly different take on Stairway to Heaven.
It's a sign of the Apocalypse.
That crash you just heard was my jaw hitting the floor...
Incidentally, check out Stanley Jordan playing Stairway To Heaven solo on acoustic guitar. Amazing virtuosity.
There's only one cover of Stairway to Heaven that really matters.
That's good. I'd have been as floored as you, except I heard a cover of this on a religious station a few years ago.
My boss, very straight-laced, was happily singing along.
I never told this story before because I didn't think anyone would believe me. =)
The most surreal thing I ever heard was, while stationed in Colorado Springs, what passed for the edgy morning show guys on the local rock station would play a daily track of German "Fest Music."
Hard rock covered by polka bands.
Still trying to get that out of my head.
The funniest part was then chattering away auf Deutsch while playing, probably about how those damned Americans can't handle real beer...
Yeah, yeah.
If you don't think it's the end times, then how about selling me your extra ammo and slim jims?
Chuckle - here's the only cover on "Stairway to Heaven" that really counts:
And yes, some of the PlatDeutchers do make snide comments about American horsevasser. But they can play that Stomach Stienway. Kinda agree about the horse water, too.
One toke over the "line." Anyone catch that reference to the nose-candy?
Two of my favorite songs. I have to wonder what the "Lawrence Welk" version of Black Dog would sound like. I cringe at the thought.
I wonder if Lawrence ever covered any of the King's songs.
Hound Dog
It would be blasphemy I tell you.
Robert: Yep. End. Times.
I'll be in the bunker. And I'm welding the doors.
Stranger: I was gonna counter with The Beatnix but I see I've been beat to it.
Jim: Many years ago, one of my co-workers at a radio station, fed up with the sappy, syrupy elevator music were were playing, came up with a format called "Truly Beautiful." Gorgeous, lush music that fit the whole "pretty background" thing but could be listened to without making you want to take a knitting needle to your ears. The Rodrigo y Gabriela "Stairway" would have been in it. ...Of course the format never sold; it was too different from what stations were used to.
Their site if you're interested. I first heard one of their songs on Sirius and thought they were worth checking out.
Love those golden(?) oldies.
That Lawrence Welk clip may give me nightmares. The Beatnix had me really confused, not knowing whether to flash back to Elementary School or High School. I didn't know it was possible to parody three or four different Beatles albums and Led Zeppelin, all at the same time.
That Rolf Harris clip really brings me back, though. Next time I get home I'm going to have to dig out that forty five year old Rolf Harris album, and listen to the whole thing for the first time in decades.
Welk's "Calcutta" (on which the maestro himself did not play, I am told) not only made it to #1 in Billboard's Hot 100 in 1961, it hit #10 on the Rhythm and Blues chart.
No, Beatallica is surreal: "The Thing That Should Not, Let It Be.
You've got Beatles, Metallica, Cthulhu, rock'n'roll, etc...
(They're actually pretty good... A Staple around Wisc. and Chicago. The guy sounds a lot like Metallica's singer...)
BTW, the Leningrad Cowboy's version is pretty sweet (that was Anon's post...)
Gotta agree about Leningrad Cowboys -- the outfits had me worried but that's a righteous cover.
Beatallica? OMG!
This post has been unexpectedly, delightfully productive.
The hairdo on the Leningrad singer was pure awesome - How much glue did that take?!
I'll see if I can't bring some Beatallica stickers to the blogmeet. Maybe even a CD...
Reefer Blandness !
Get your accordion running
Head out on the fairway
Born to be mild.
A modern spirtual? Good googly moogly. Now, was it just that thick liquid eyeliner, or did she look heavy-lidded? Hmmm.
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