Returning a trip for office supplies ("...typewriter ribbons, young feller..."), I motorscootered over t'the Fresh Market , where I bumped into Rene -- the Rene, of the epynomous bakery, simultaneously the smallest and best bakery I have ever seen. He said Hi: I'm not there as frequently as I'd like but along with his great skill, he knows his regulars. Rene's ginger molasses cookies have become a fave of Shootin' Buddy -- y'otta try 'em!
Tam and I have both remarked in the past on the 'stonishing amount of remarkably good food to be found here and we haven't been to much more than half the possibilities. Broad Ripple has a rep as "party central" and it does have no end of bars, even a few live-music venues; but the quality of the dining is the real heart of the neighborhood.
Spent the afternoon mowing the front yard (yardette, more like) with the reel mower, yes, 100% alpha-geekette-powered, in preemptive atonement for a visit to the bakery later on.
My morning was spent in a different way: napping in the gentle embrace of an MRI machine. I actually got rid of all the movable magnetizable items for once, or so I thought. I really can nap in them, despite the buzz and clatter, or at least I can nap for awhile, drifting in and out of half-dreams. I was still a little groggy when, nearly an hour later, the behemoth fell silent and stayed that way; the operator came in, started the tray moving out and laughed. "Your sandal laces," (those little bungee-things) "must have some steel in them!" They were sticking straight up and kept pointing steadily at the magnet as the tray slid. Images were of my right knee and I don't know what (if anything) they reveal. Oooo, mystery!
After a morning of that, it's nice to have this little bitta bohemia to go boppin' around in.
2 months ago
Sending positive mental vibes kneewards.
My left knee no longer completely straigtens. Except when they MRI it. And it feels like they're trying to bend it beyond it's normal position. It feels real good.
Napping is counterindicated.
When I go in for my heart check, on the other hand, it's often naptime. Hope all goes extremely well.
I do hope for your health in the future.
As an aside I mail-ordered an uppity German reel mower a year or two back, and love it. No gas, no noise, no more effort than pushing a conventional mower.
Mmmm, ginger molasses cookies from Rene's. I have to put them in the back seat of the SUV or I will eat them on the way home. Those cookies are addictive; it must be the cracky goodness.
Good to know Rene is expanding. I hope he gets a larger building. He can rent the old building to Roberta to shelter her motor bikes or to store garden tools.
Shootin' Buddy
Jim, I should buy a better reel mower. Mine is some generic and it's a bit of work to run it. I don't mind (just wish it did a better job on tall weeds) 'cos it's free exercise -- there are folks around here who use power motors, then toddle off to the gym to use a treadmill or rowing machine. How clever's that?
SB, the only thing Rene was expanding was, possibly, his waistline: he was grocery-shopping. :) OTOH, his baked good do show up at many restaurants in the Village, including the Brewpub.
If I wasn't 2,000 miles away, I'd offer to kiss your knee and make it better. As it stands, all I can do is send best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I envy you and your roomie getting to sample all those Broadripple wares. Yum.
WV: repain. Let's hope not!
I bought mine here. Mine is an older model which appears to be out of production. It doesn't handle tall weeds well either, but I have an electric weed whacker for that, and once the weeds are under about six inches they get sheared off very cleanly indeed.
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