...That the U. S. government has been engaged in a series of terrifying trans-human experiments for a staggeringly long period of time; that, after all, would be nothing but the worst sort of alarmist conspiracy theorizing.
--But I've got to point that pretty much from the very start, your mail has been delivered by a "post-man" or even, in recent decades, a "post-woman." And most of them appear to be inhumanly fit, too (or perhaps merely some, per dispute in comments -- though I will suggest that "a graying hippie" with 1860s hairstyle and glasses, who "wears shorts in all weather" could very well be an example of just that sort of thing!).
Food for thought?
1 month ago
If they have figured out how to extend human longevity, would that be postage?
You must have one of those walking postpersons.
Mine drives a Jeep. And she isn't what you'd call fit, period.
My postman who rides in his vehicle all day stuffing roadside mailboxes is far from "inhumanly fit". I think you need a larger sample. :-)
Define "inhumanly fit". If it means what I think it means, then the stooped and aging hippie who is my postman (long gray hair, full beard, classic '70's headband, sandals in the summer which are surely not USPS approved footwear, and shorts all year long, no matter how cold) must be something of an anomaly.
I just want to know where the moravecs are.
(Looks suspiciously at toaster...)
Inhumanly fit?
I'm with HT regarding your sample size. You do not have a meaningful statistical universe there. And if you also figure in mental fitness...
Don't get me started on the Post Awful; I could go on for pages and pages.
Oh. Wait. I did.
Mine sounds more like the one Nathan and Hat Trick are writing about. That guy would have trouble walking to my front door from his vehicle. The walking ones look fit because all the walking while carrying a load keeps them in shape.
TLJ in Men In Black 2.
That is all.
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