You had twelve hours without free ice cream; if you haven't looked up SOPA and PIPA, made up your own mind and taken whatever action you thought was indicated, then there's no way I'm going to reach you anyway.
I know some big bloggers kind of passed the whole thing with a wave and a nod -- generally folks deriving some revenue and/or personally significant egoboo from blogging, neither of which I begrudge them. Me, I can't do much all by myself, sign a petition and send notes to my horrors-in-office, so I opted to try co-opting you. If it multiplied my effort by any number greater than 1, it did what I hoped it might do.
Liberty: historical fluke or the wave of the future? I dunno. I don't want to spend my retirement in a prison camp and it's too darned much work avoiding 'em if you wait 'til it's too late.
1 month ago
"Personally significant egoboo" here.
I did not shut down - I just spent a morning and part of an afternoon on the telephone to Senators and Representatives office staff.
Thanks to Skype, it cost very little. I hope it was worth every penny.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the blackout was supposed to be from 8A to 8P, and seeing that this was put up at 8:44 PM puts it outside that range. So, relented? Not so much.
It looks like SOPA has been shelved indefinitely, but PIPA is still in the works.
I had figured on shutting down for 24 hours.
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