Title is the new Official Motto of North Korea. Geez, it's like the [Adjective] Leader never gets past the childhod stage of raising a ruckus to get attention.
...I do think there's a lesson to be learned from places like North Korea: people mostly want to live in a functioning society; so much do we want that, that even when it's deeply flawed, we keep trying. Look at the stoplight-replacing cops in North Korea as an example and an especially poignant one. Yes, even in a place as bad as Stalinist Russia or Inner Chicago, some majority of people (by however slight a margin) get up and go to work at the power company, the water company, the supermarket and the interrogation center (whoopsie!) to lurch the place through another day. Which argues all the more for minimizing the number of permanent, powerful institution in any society: get 'em wrong and there's still plenty of folks to prop them up and keep them going, 'cos "it's better than nothing!"
Is it? Really?
3 weeks ago
Geez, it's like the [Adjective] Leader never gets past the childhod stage of raising a ruckus to get attention.
Offered without further comment:
I am wondering if the
Great Leader of North Korea is a fan of the Movie "The Mouse that Roared". I think he is trying to get some nation state to attack so he can surrender and receive all kinds of aid from the Nation who whopped him. Just saying!!! Could happen. Have a nice day.....
Yes...but it does look like he is a pretty good horseman......
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