...To eat a real breakfast and wash it down with Actual Coffee. I had to fast for twelve hours going into yesterday morning (yeah, blood work, my doc had a loooong list of things she wanted to check) and it was worse than usual -- there's no taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach and we were fresh out of acetaminophen (paracetamol, for those using the Queen's English) . Stumbled into work and into a minor crisis before I was able to even think about a candy bar or a hot caffeinated beverage.
So a simple sausage/egg/potato/onion scramble and a cuppa' joe is a plan treat. --Come to think, last night's canned chicken and dumplings (revved up to corn chowder with the addition of canned tomatoes, beans and corn -- cook it up on the side and you can fine-tune your own soup plate.) was pretty darned ambrosial, too.
2 months ago
Obviously, you need some paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin.
Funny. My Doc says Black Coffee is OK when I go for Blood Tests during my 12 Hour Fast. Better double check that.
I can't think of any blood test results adversely affected by black coffee either (assuming no sugar or course).
I'm impressed though. My colleagues know not to speak (or even approach within throwing range, as being hit by a patella hammer can be quite painful apparently. Look it's what's on my belt, it's either that, scissors, opthalmo/otoscope or a stethoscope, you choose) until I've had at least two cups of coffee in a morning (or evening depending on shifts).
Oh and you can take Ibuprofen (that's methylpropylphenylpropanoic acid to you colonials who can't just use a simple name for once) on an empty stomach (assuming no Hx of ulcers in which case you shouldn't take it anyway of course) just not regularly.
And where's the bacon? No breakfast is complete without it!
I can't think of any blood test results adversely affected by black coffee either (assuming no sugar or course).
I'm impressed though. My colleagues know not to speak (or even approach within throwing range, as being hit by a patella hammer can be quite painful apparently. Look it's what's on my belt, it's either that, scissors, opthalmo/otoscope or a stethoscope, you choose) until I've had at least two cups of coffee in a morning (or evening depending on shifts).
Oh and you can take Ibuprofen (that's methylpropylphenylpropanoic acid to you colonials who can't just use a simple name for once) on an empty stomach (assuming no Hx of ulcers in which case you shouldn't take it anyway of course) just not regularly.
And where's the bacon? No breakfast is complete without it!
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