Why is it, in this day and age of everyone having a high-zoot camera in their phone and a superduper monitor on their computer, that I cannot find a simple screensaver of spinning/tumbling laundry?
Wash or dry, either one will do.
(This was prompted by an appliance-store ad on TV that showed row upon row of every kind of appliance-with-glass: microwaves, TVs, washers, monitors, dryers, which made me realize the high-definition dryer door was well overdue; and if it is, the opposite -- a monitor that pretends to be a dryer -- is even more so.)
2 months ago
Superduper monitor? I'm still running a 19" CRT here!
Ooh,ooh me too!
This one work?
Mike, almost; ideally, a high-def shot from so close that all you see is the laundry. Or something cooking in a microwave: "That's no computer, that's my lunch!"
I'm waiting for a high-definition window. I mean, they've been showing off transparent computer monitors at CES for the last couple of years already, when are we going to see them in real world applications?
And, since I forgot to add the link like I planned, here it is.
Mom tells me that, when I was about 1 year old, thew dryer window was my favorite "TV program", that I'd sit in front of it and laugh my head off the entire time.
It's weird--I would've expected a spinning laundry screensaver by this time, too.
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