I'm off to the Dayton Hamvention! (Tam's on guard duty at Roseholme, as amateur radio is not her cuppa geek).
Wish me luck!
5 weeks ago
The further and continuing adventures of the girl who sat in the back of your homeroom, reading and daydreaming.
I hope you have a wonderful time! Will see you next weekend hopefully to hear all about it. (Sunday is back to work for me).
OK, beautiful, good luck! Not that you need it.
Try not to OD on the geek, but have fun!
WV: tallst
Well, of course you'll be the tallest hot babe there. Why is WV even asking me that? I need to have a word.
Have fun. I hope you get time to visit the AF Museum. Pat the F-105D and F-4 on the snout for me.
Don't know if the YF-23 is ready for display yet. If it is you can give it a hug too.
I'm jealous. Been licensed since 1972 and have never been able to go to Dayton for one reason or another.
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Oh, and, by the way? You can keep your damned adventure, I had enough of the damned things, and would be quite happy to never have another.
I was tempted to add "Besides, what kind of adventures can you have in Ohio, for Pete's sake?", but I will forebear, because of 1) the Ohio Highway Patrol's tendency to see all out-of-state plates as reading "$$$-$$$", and 2) Ohio is awful close to Michigan, and you know what they're like... :-)
Go have yourself a Field Day! Stay on the good side of the Gray Line, and watch out for the sunspots.
Please, a convention report upon your return.
Hamfests; the best way to drop two months paychecks I ever found...
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